Death or loss of a loved one in the family

Death or loss of a loved one in the family

The study aimed at correlating the predictors of the severity of bereavement, persistence, and importance of loss of a loved one in the family in the cohort of Rotterdam. Linear regression was used to evaluate factors expounding grief severity.  The study found that women are highly expressive and confronted when they lose a child than men (Milic, Muka, Ikram, Franco & Tiemeier, 2017). This was found to be important as it is the predisposition for the women’s faster and better recovery. The study also found out that due to the experiences of life family members develop better strategies to cope up with the situation. The study showed that symptoms of restlessness were higher in young widows making them to be so irritable. The fourth finding was that grief severity was influenced by race. The bereavement factor significantly affected the White American’s health, and this was particularly on the groups of young and old age while African-Americans had no serious effects according to the study. The less educated coping strategy to loss of a loved one was poor while the educated coped up faster. The loss also affected most of the unemployed young and middle-aged but not so much on the elderly as they seek networking with peers after the loss. Therefore, death causes different grief severity levels; hence people need to care about it to assist or cope with it.

This study was carried out to investigate the levels of grief, depression, and anxiety upon the death of the loved one in the family and the importance of bereavement groups to the bereaved.  Questionnaires were used to collect information from the bereaved in Northern Sweden as the study setting. The study found out that most of the bereaved are affected with intense grief due to the loss of the loved one in the family. The grief reduced significantly after the first year of death of the loved one. The study noted that different people preferred different bereavement methods, some preferred going on with their businesses, as usual, to be relieved; others preferred joining bereavement groups while the rest went for retreat. Roughly 51% of the bereaved believed that bereavement groups were fundamental in reducing the level of grief that one suffered after the death of a loved one (Näppä, Lundgren & Axelsson, 2016). According to this study death of the loved one was viewed as important as people could share experiences with the bereavement groups and workmates to remain strong. Therefore, death should be cared for because it makes people learn how to grief and reintroduce tranquility in others.

This study was carried out to examine the magnitude and change patterns over time of people who lost their loved ones. Five post-loss indicators of grief were used to show the consistency of stages of the theory of grief. The study was done in Connecticut with a sample size of 233 individuals who were bereaved. The five indicators used included acceptance, depression, anger, yearning, and disbelief. These were compared after 1 to 6, 6 to 12 and 12 to 24 months (Blandin & Pepin, 2017). From the study, acceptance was greater than depression, anger, and disbelief and depression was higher than anger. The study found out that between 1 to 6 months and 6 to 12 post-loss months yearning and disbelief decreased while acceptance increased.  It was also noted that from 6 to 12 and 12 to 24 months after the loss depression, anger, yearning, and disbelief declined while acceptance increased. Therefore, from the results of the study death is very important and someone should care for it to oust death grief.

The study was carried out to determine how bereavement would catalyze coping mechanisms and their importance in individuals who have lost their loved ones. The study was carried out in Western countries. Form the study it was realized that several people grieved upon the loss of their loved ones.  The study found out that cognitive coping strategies helped the bereaved to catch up very fast to the normal livelihood (Silverman, 2002).   The cognitive strategy identified by the study included searching for the meaning of life, logical analysis of events, acceptance of the situation that has occurred and finally reappraising oneself positively.  The study also found out that behavioral action assumed by the bereaved like expressing themselves, the ability to solve problems and seeking help from others helped the bereaved cope much faster. The ultimate outcomes according to this study mechanism included a surge in altruism, the ability to appreciate life the way it comes, improved self-esteem and greater compassion of oneself. Therefore from the study, we discern and develop new ways of living hence helps people to care about death and its coping mechanisms.

This study was carried out to compare complicated grief severity between parents who had lost young children to those who had lost older children. It was carried out by the use of an open-ended questionnaire with a sample size of 345 bereaved parents. The study found out that bereaved parents who participated in the Heal study had intense, complicated grief than the other parents who had suffered other losses. It was also noted that parents who had lost their children had higher levels of suicidal thoughts, blamed themselves as caregivers, most were preoccupied with the deceased, anger and high yearning.  The other finding from the study was that due to immense grief, 80% of the parents whose younger child have died had some wish to have died at some point of time (Zetumer at.el., 2015). The study found that parents who have lost a child at a younger age experience more of the complicated grief than the mothers whose children have died at an older age. It was indicated from the study that the reason for these strong emotions was due to the sense of loss to the parent and yearning. The study found out that the reason why parents with complicated grief struggle much were because of the loss of a child at a younger age. Therefore, from the study due to the highly complicated grief occasioned by the loss of a child, we find death as something to care about to know how to deal with it.

In conclusion, Death of a Loved One in the Family results in different psychological problems and mental ill-health on the lives of the beloved ones. These effects range from intense grief, anger, delinquency, loneliness, abandonment, depression, anxiousness among other effects. The bereaved cope with these impacts in different ways depending on the level of attachment with the deceased. Therefore, one should care about death to find better to understand better the intense grief and how to help oust the despicable experiences and cope up with the conditions.

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