Dance is the sequence of movements that are used to define the culture of the community. The moves made during the dance communicate a lot about the culture of the particular population. Therefore according to (Hanna, 1987), dancing is a phenomenon that defines cultural patterns.
Dance is a significant art that is used in the community to show the beauty of the culture of the community. For instance, the movements that are used in the dance will explain the details of what entails the community. Also, through the dance, cultural art can be defined through the dance movements that are shown by the dancers in the particular song (Dils & Albright, 2001). The styles and the vocabulary that is used in the dance help in defining the type of culture and the community that is entailed by the dance. According to Coopers, the elements of the dance define the movements that are portrayed in the dance. The dance enhances cultural hybridity among various communities in which individuals from different religions, languages, and races get to add cultures to the other. Through the movements in the dance, others can use them in their culture and learn different helpful things. Coopers also mentioned the importance of dance as a way of symbolic exchange (Dils & Albright, 2001). Dance is symbolic in communicating the details of the community. Symbolic exchange through the dance ensures that future generations understand the cultures of the community. Through dances, the communities can exchange the cultures among themselves. Cultural hybridity and symbolic exchange ensure aesthetic and cultural moorings, and hence it is significant in every community.
The dance movement practice plays a significant role in defining the cultural identity if a community. For example, the people who have skills in dancing powwow are people who are known to be people who are unemployed, and they rely on dancing skills. The culture that is enhanced by the powwow dance is the Indian Culture, and it has gone through the generations (Dils & Albright, 2001). The people are involved in the spiritual world, and hence they do not dance for the money. The movements in the dance explain the details of Indian Culture. Capoeira dance is another dance whose movements identify the culture of the Indian population. The trance ceremony also identifies the culture of the Italian community as it identifies the particular culture of a particular community. According to (Bourguignon 2001) there is a connection between the performances from ritual to theatre in which the movements in the theatre are the ones that are used in the ritual ceremonies in the community.
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