Cultural history refers to the approaches of the anthropology and the past that look at favorite cultural traditions and artistic interpretation of the historical experience. Museology refers to the study of museums, where it gives the history, the role and activities carried out in the museums. Archaeology is defined as the study of human history and prehistory through the exaction of the sites and other physical remaining. According to the articles of blakey, archaeology and museology relate with cultural history since it talks more about past, it gives out the full description about the museology as well as giving the history of human beings and the physical remaining as well (Henry). The public at large can understand the past through the media, through the written materials and also through the physical remains that were left. Even though the museum where the objects are kept people can learn about them and hence having peaceful moments to know about the past while they are in the present. It is evidence that archaeologists have the responsibilities to equity and this is confirmed because when they keep the other objects in the museum to be studied and hence write full documents about the remaining it shows that they are responsible. Through researching the past of human being and ensuring all the physical remains objects are kept safe to be viewed, it is an assurance that they can promote equity to everyone and that there is no discrimination done ( Storozum et al.,2019). Finally, I agree with the analysis of the Blakey because according to his report it shows the history of human being how they started according to science, how their past was and how their present. Also, I agree because the analysis shows the importance of keeping the remaining in the museum as the present’s generation uses it and the coming age in future to learn to more about the past events that took place.
Henry, J. M. The Artifacts of Cultural Change and Their Effect on the Museum. Defining the Museum of the 21st Century, 93.
Storozum, M. J., Zhang, J., Wang, H., Ren, X., Qin, Z., & Li, L. (2019). Geoarchaeology in China: Historical Trends and Future Prospects. Journal of Archaeological Research, 27(1), 91-129.