Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology


What is cultural anthropology and how can it explain, or even help solve, the problems humans contemplate? The cultural anthropology of Robert L. Welsch and Luis A. Vivanco: doing questions about the humanity, second edition, uses an approach based on queries for teaching the students how to think anthropologically as well as helping them see the problems as an anthropologist. However, as inspired by the observation that was common in the ninety-nine by percent of a right answer is a good question, Cultural Anthropology combines a pedagogy focused on problems with the topics what they are usually treated in an introductory course. Cultural anthropology also represents an effort to close the gap between the realities of today’s discipline and traditional views

Fieldwork methods

In anthropology, there are various types of fieldwork methods used during the investigation. We delve into several Fieldwork methods used.

Observing Methods

The observation method is a method less invasive in which the anthropologist integrates less in society studying and collecting data through verbal communication while trying not to intrude in the culture.

Non- participant observation

In contrast to the observation participant, non- participant observation is the method anthropologists use to collect data within a community but with interaction limited to people within the culture.

Method comparative

From the beginning of the studies of anthropology, the Method Comparative has been a way to allow a comparison of systematic information and data from multiple sources.


The reflexivity is awareness of the investigator about the effect they can have in the investigation.


Intersubjectivity is the understanding that knowledge of other people arises from the relationships and perceptions of people.


Action Research Participatory


This method requires community engagement for change explicitly. Occurs in five steps:

Education in the processor creating a dialogue

Investigation collective

Interpretation collective

Action collective

Transformation: self-determination and empowerment

To commemorate the history of the peaceful and social protests turmoil in Isla Vista over the 70s and 60s, on June 10, the Monument to the Peace Park was inaugurated.

The celebration took place on the 33rd anniversary of a crucial event of the participation of IV in a non – violent demonstration. On June 10, 1970, the police tear-gassed protesters in Perfect Park where they protested the imposition of a curfew IV police. They arrested 390 demonstrators. The judge of the High Court Joe Lodge freed the 390 in the morning next without charges.

“This incident marked the end of the occupation of IV police, “said the president of the Monuments Committee, Bob Potter. “People saw him as the beginning of a real community. ”

Implementation Committee of the Perfect Park Peace Monument emerged from a movement to save Perfect Park; after it was threatened for the development of the Church of San Ignacio at the beginning of the nineties. The committee has raised $ 25,000 in donations to pay for the monument.

Potter attributes increased interest in movements for peace to war in Iraq. He wrote an Article about the monument in the Los Angeles Times which motivated a donor who was Anonymous to give $ 9,000 to the fund. This raised the funds total of $ 16,000 to the $ 25,000 needed.

“There are not many monuments of peace, but there are many war memorials. [The war in Iraq ] we returned all the perennial what the problem is, “Potter said.” It’s not just something we protest in Vietnam. ”

Local artist Colin Gray was chosen to design the monument after a competition nationally. The memorial has four paths leading to a living room,s surrounded by four stone benches United by trellises metal. The four tracks represent the four roads toward Peace: the way the master warrior, visionary and healer.

Gray, from the United Kingdom, has lived in the Santa Barbara area for more than 20 years. He taught at the College of Studies Creative’s for nine years, and he retired in 1993.

“I’ve been working with shapes that echo this during various years,” Gray said.” I was inspired by Angeles Arrien, a cultural anthropologist who wrote The Four-Fold Way. It is a book on how to keep life in balance.