Race Bending
Hamilton has extensively used the aspect of race bending where characters tend to take the role of the other run in the plays. This aspect would be analyzed using two outstanding matches from Hamilton The Mountain Top and Jesus in India. Hamilton uses these characters to help come up with the significance of color in the aspect of characterization. He uses both characters and tone to help bring the blend that is slowly taking up the literary space in the world today. The style has been using to portray the changes in the field of plays where actors are placed in a position to represent the characters of color (Gilliland 45). The two pieces of the game show the characters as historical figures known to be white but can show the characteristics and role of other colors and daces in the world. The goal of this application is to create more chances for the actors of color. However, it does not give the notion of giving the white actors the opportunity to play the characters of color.
A closer look at the race bending by Hamilton does not give the instances of a race at all. It only depicts the experience taking place in the world today based on the various parameters used in the definition of roles of actors on their racial inclination. For example, in a case where more Latino characters should be present, yet no Latinos take part in the play clearly shows that the other race takes pride in experiencing and appreciating the cultures of the Latino in a much-organized manner. The characters have to learn the activities they need to carry out in the play modestly and understandably (Gilliland 23). This gesture brings the harmony that is well documented and represented in the current system of governance in most countries especially in America.
Hamilton’s Hip Hop
The life and times of the actor are based on the hip hop culture that is characterized by much of the cases shown by Cummings in his work. |Hamilton seems to be in connection and harmony with the actions of Cumming in the manner in which he articulates his pieces of music and plays. The plays use the significance of cadence in handling the situation in one way or the other. Rhythm helps in revealing the traits of a character. In these pieces of plays, the works are full of proper word choices and the rhyming scheme in the manner of application of events in a much broader way (Cummings 499). For example in the play My Shot, the rhyme schemes tend to give the apparent role played by the characters in the game that can then lead to the revelation of the thematic application in the games.
The use of these rhymes in the play makes the entire work look very conventional where the quirks of the writing are seen in the manner of the French-speaking persons in the piece of a game. The Hamilton brings out the revolution taking place in all the testaments where hip hop acts as the great vehicle during the show. Moreover, the play reveals the extent to which hip hop can be used a significant toll in the thought about cadence and the rhythm linked to the dialogue (Cummings 499). The other play that brings out the harmony based on hip hop cultures is The Revolution that tends to bring out the aspects of liberty as a way of creating historical accuracy in the entire process. This gesture is seen in the manner in which the author abandons some lines in the play.
Fiction in Miranda’s Plays
Miranda has extensively used the aspect of the invention and theoretical analysis of the play in a manner of events. The reader can understand the fact that Miranda has the desire to close off her eyes and try to pretend that her life is presently the same way as it was earlier on. The reader has the ability and desires to know more, but the text will then succumb to the same desires in a vivid and clear instance. The plays then bring out limited cases of violence where we see no mobs, pyrotechnics, or cannibals (Miranda, Alex and Ron 16). The games insist on the aspects of delivering the special fare of the genre. On the contrary, Miranda brings out the quiet story that seems to underscore the issues linked to the survival of a family in a broad manner of events.
For example, The Brother in the Land brings out a somehow small population that is undergoing some form of starvation, exposure, and the pandemic associated with the same in a wide berth of events. Based on the fact of lacking common instances of violence, the play then requires the issues linked with the heroic deeds in society. The game gives a narration of the anti-heroism in the play. The mother of the boy tries to share some critical information regarding the food distribution in the community (Miranda, Alex and Ron 12). This gesture is also echoed in This World We Live In and brings out the fact that the issues linked to the problems on starvation can then lead to a better understanding of the importance of making food reserves and the aspect of carrying a well-organized manner in the food distribution program.
Works Cited
Cummings, Andre Douglas Pond. “A furious kinship: Critical race theory and the hip-hop nation.” U. Louisville L. Rev. 48 (2009): 499.
Gilliland, Elizabeth. “Racebending fandoms and digital futurism.” Transformative Works & Cultures 22 (2016).
Miranda, Lin-Manuel, Alex Lacamoire, and Ron Chernow.Hamilton: An American Musical. Atlantic Recording Corporation, 2015.
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