Corruption Scandal in Unaoil

Corruption Scandal in Unaoil

Unaoil is a company that offers industrial solutions in the Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia. The company is based in Monaco and run by Ahsani family; however, it thrives on corruption (Norton, 2016). The company is accused of corrupting the global oil industry by fueling inequality and destabilizing natural resource-rich conflict areas in the Middle East. Besides, the company was involved in the distribution of illicit funds from Western Corporate behemoths such as Leighton Holdings, Rolls-Royce, and Samsung to contracts in the Middle East.

Corruption is the current critical challenge in the organization. Unaoil plays the role of an intermediary between oil-rich countries in the Middle East and Western oil companies. By being a lobbyist, the firm convinces Western companies that they will not secure contract without its help. It is unethical to pass on bribes to particular individuals with the aim of securing contracts for a significant commission. The company involved in bribing government officials in the Middle East to ensure Western Corporations get good deals (Norton, 2016).

If I were the leader of Unaoil, I would have handled the corruption situation in the following ways. First, I would have enforced sanctions for transgressions. I would have utilized the company’s anti-corruption policy. The policy does not tolerate both government and commercial bribery. Moreover, the policy requires proper control, accountability, and accuracy in transactions. Therefore, I would have prosecuted the corrupt officials. Second, I would have requested to know partner organizations and third parties involved. This will ensure that we reach a common understanding of ethical practice.

Leadership could have prevented corruption from happening in the following ways. First, a good leader is ethical. A good leader would not have risked the reputation and success of the organization and engaged in corrupt activities. A moral leader could have ensured that Western corporations have used the right procedure to secure contracts. Second, good leadership ensures that you understand your people and why they may engage in corrupt activities. A leader seeks to understand and manage areas of risk.



Norton, B. (2016, March 30). “World’s biggest bribe scandal”: Report on oil corruption exposes how corporations help destabilize Middle East. Retrieved from



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