


The paper presents a scenario of a 48 years old man called Bill who has a small shop for repairing lawn mowers in Fairview, Tennessee. He has repaired lawn mowers for eight years and decided to keep his business small to limit cost and complexity.  However, he learns through a bulletin about the introduction of a new model of lawn mowers from the leading tractor manufacturing company. The new model has a monitoring system that is computer based which will shift many of his customers to these new lawn mowers. Bill wishes to learn how to repair these new lawn mowers. However, the manufacturer arranges a few seminars at the manufacturing plant in addition to online training sessions and webinars for these new models. Besides, the company has a service manual for these new lawn mowers. Despite this, Bill feels inadequate to attend these seminars due to his schedule and cost of travel (Shepelev, Shepelev & Almetova, 2016).

Questions and Answers Based on the Scenario

Bill’s Construction of a Learning Plan

Bill needs to create a learning plan which defines his expected goals of learning. Bills goal is to learn the operation of the new model of lawn mower so that he can know how to repair it. He already had knowledge about limited computer applications for the original models, and since he did not want to lose his customers to the new model, he would need to learn the sophisticated applications of the new models.

How a Formal Learning Plan would Look Like

The learning plan would have well-written objectives such as to learn and understand the operation of the computer-based monitoring system. Another one would be to learn how to repair sophisticated lawn mowers. He can list the objectives in a clear order to monitor his learning progress.

How I would Express Bill’s Learning Needs

Due to his age, Bill will require adult learning which is slow and progressive. However, since he already has an idea about computer application on machines, it will be easy for him to learn. He will require more practical and collaborative learning than theoretical explanation. This will require demonstrations using a similar model, or use of audio and visual aid. He will also need the main points to be emphasized and repeated for clarity and understanding.

Bill’s Terminal Performance Objective

His terminal performance objective would have his main objectives which are to learn how to repair a lawnmower with sophisticated applications and to learn the operation of a computer-based monitoring system. It may also include periodic analysis of his learning progress and knowledge development. Besides, it can consist of the major learning concepts and principles alongside what he already knows.

Bill’s self-motivation

Bill is driven by the motivation of learning how to repair the new models since he wants to keep his repairing business running. He is aware that if he fails to learn how to repair the new models, he might lose many customers who will prefer the new models of a lawnmower.

Bill’s Application of Affective Domain Elements in His Learning

Elements of effective domain comprise learner’s perception, motivation, attitude towards learning and values. Bill would need to apply these elements to enhance his learning through planning his objectives, and periodically assessing his learning progress.

Bill’s Application of the Cognitive Concept of Metacognition, its extension, and Reflexivity, from Constructivist Theory

Bill will apply cognitive learning as he seeks to acquire knowledge about the operation and repair of the new model of a lawnmower, store the knowledge and later retrieve it to solve a problem which is repairing the new lawn mowers. The concept of metacognition helps Bill to monitor his learning by thinking about his thinking process to maximize his learning.

Application of the Idea of Piaget on Assimilation and Accommodation to Adult Learning?

Piaget’s idea is beneficial in the learning process of Bill. Assimilation will help him to adjust himself to incorporate new information into the existing knowledge. Accommodation will enable him to adjust his existing knowledge on repair of the old lawn mowers to accommodate the incoming knowledge that he will be taught at the manufacturing company. Both concepts are useful in helping him organize knowledge to understanding the working of a computerized monitoring system on the new models.

Elements of Constructivist Learning Theory that are Applicable in Bill’s Scenario

Constructivism is applicable here since Bill is training to apply the knowledge in his initiative which will make him achieve his learning goals. Some elements that are applicable here include free environment, interactive learning, the involvement of learners in the learning process, and facilitation of autonomy in learning by the trainers (Liu & Alleyne, 2014).

Ways in which Bill can Learn Quickly and Thoroughly

Bill can learn quickly and thoroughly since he already has a basic understanding of the application of computer chips on lawn mowers. His well-articulated and clear objectives also facilitate this. Besides, Bill needs to learn as quickly and thoroughly to be able to repair the new lawn mowers since he does not want to lose his customers when they buy the new models.


Liu, N., & Alleyne, A. G. (2014). Iterative learning identification applied to automated off-highway vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 22(1), 331-337.

Shepelev, S., Shepelev, V., & Almetova, Z. (2016). Optimization of technical equipment for crop sowing processes. Procedia Engineering, 150, 1258-1262.