Constructing academic arguments is not easy, and it requires planning as well as research. As I have learned from the weekly online activities, every argument has a counter argument, and so an argument has to be justified. In the criminal and justice system, arguments and counter arguments are the main drivers. In the same way, academic arguments require the analysis of different arguments to come up with new ideas and arguments.
One way through which the weekly activities have developed academic writing skills is by demonstrating how to generate a strong argument. Take the trial of the Bear Stearns hedge managers. The example is used to portray the dominance of the hedge managers on the social justice outcomes. The argument of the hedge managers just reinforces the argument that domination by some individuals is an issue in the justice system. It is a crime for an individual or individuals to dominate the justice system. The system ought to be free and fair to all people regardless of social class, financial capability or social influence. This is an example that is applicable in the real world to demonstrate unfairness as an issue in the justice system.
Exploring an issue is a good way of trying to figure out a new argument. There are many issues surrounding the crime and justice system. However, generating an argument in support of this assertion requires research and exploration. One has to look at the topic from all perspectives and brainstorm the ideas to generate a new and concrete argument. It is significant to explore the history surrounding an issue to understand how it developed in the first place. A good example is a history in the week nine online activity. When the British landed in Australia, they took possession of the east coast, and the aboriginals lost their right to their land. This was the beginning of the mistrust between the aboriginals and the British settlers. The activity continues to portray how the British continued to treat the Aboriginals and how a whole tribe is suggested to have been wiped out. To understand the issues surrounding the British colonization of Australia, one has to explore the issue from when they first entered Australia. In the same way, to explore the issue in the crime and justice system, one has to explore and brainstorm on what initiated such issues.
Forming relationships around an idea is yet another thing learned from the weekly activities. Through research, it is easy to connect the idea to generate a new issue. In the week 10 activity, there is the issue of oppression and gender. The real issue here is ethnicity, but it is portrayed through oppression. Therefore, there is a relationship between oppression and ethnicity. In academic arguments, the relationships surrounding the ideas presented must come out clearly. While making an argument about the issues in crime and criminal justice, one has to explore if the issues identified are the real issues or just the causal effects. One has to portray an understanding of the issues, causes and the effects to be able to make a good argument.
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