Confidence and its Proponents

Confidence and its Proponents

Self-assurance means believing in one’s ability and character, having courage and using ones abilities to overcome a challenge. Challenges are real. They make people who they are. They trigger the different abilities and capabilities people posses. Our teacher teaches us that no challenge is big. It is only big in our minds but very small and weak when we act upon it. The ability to overcome challenges is what keeps us hoping that tomorrow will be better even when the fear of the uncertain is real. Confidence is having self-assurance, certainty and in the face of uncertainty, having the will and ability to act.

Courage is having no fear. It is the believe in oneself and holding ones grounds in situations of uncertainty. When uncertainty strikes, our abilities to believe in one self are put to test. When soldiers go to war, they are uncertain of the outcome, but that does not deter them from acting (Luhmann 102). They have the confidence that all will be fine and they will win. When someone does a heroic deed, we usually say they are courageous not because they are special but because they did an extra ordinal thing. They believed in themselves and acted. Often individuals lose trust in their abilities and instead of acting, they let fear consume them and deter them from being courageous. Courage is overcoming that fear in one’s mind and heart.

Certainty is believing that something is reliable, true and the believe that one’s abilities can achieve something. Have you ever tried to throw a kid up into the air? They often laugh and enjoy the moment. They are certain that you will catch them and trust that you will protect them. Try doing the same with an adult. The results will be an opposite. Trust affects ones reliance on another person. If there is no trust, there is no reliance and uncertainty kicks in.

Will is the certainty to act on ones desires decisively. It is the believe that one’s decision to act on a desire is reliable. When you cannot rely on your decisions to act on your desires, then you do not have a free will. You are uncertain of your own decisions and so you seek other people’s decisions. In this case, you believe that your decisions are predetermined and thus your decision will have no effect on the predetermined decision (Vohs and Jonathan 51). It is having no confidence in your decisions or the self-assurance that your decisions are certain.

Ability means having the skills or being proficient in a particular area. In times of uncertainties, ones desires, abilities and will determines ones actions. Courage is the desire to do something even when you have no ability. Skills can be learned, courage cannot be learned, it is inbuilt. One can have the ability to do something but not do it due to lack of courage and self-assurance.

Having confidence requires one to be self assured, have the will, be certain and most of rely on ones abilities. In the face of challenges, several personal traits play a part in building the confidence in one’s ability to overcome the challenge.


Work cited

Luhmann, Niklas. “Familiarity, confidence, trust: Problems and alternatives.” Trust: Making and breaking cooperative relations 6 (2000): 94-107.

Vohs, Kathleen D., and Jonathan W. Schooler. “The value of believing in free will encouraging a belief in determinism increases cheating.” Psychological science 19.1 (2008): 49-54.

(Vohs and Jonathan 51)


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