Community Policing Assignment

Community policing refers to the process of allocating the police to a specific region to improve the connection between the public and the police. The communication between the police and the public is vital because it is the best way to collect information that can lead to the arrest and prosecution of criminals living amid the public. Community policing changes the mindset of the society to begin seeing the police as an integral part of the people.

An estimated 21% of the contacts between the police and the public in America during 2015 were aged 16 years or older (Davis, Whyde, & Langton, 2018). It represents about 53.5million of people who had some experience and contact with the police. The number of people who reported the issues of crime to the police stood at 6.7%. According to the (2015) Police and Public Contact Survey, the vast majority of the residents who contacted the police in 2015 reported potential crime-related issues when compared to the non-crime related emergencies (Davis, Whyde, & Langton, 2018). The young and the old are willing to share information with the police in case of a suspicious incident in the community.

The most unusual thing in the contact between the police and the public is that the two parts co-exist together for the common goal of ensuring the well-being of the society (Davis, Whyde, & Langton, 2018). The improved contact between the police and the members of the people is a demonstration that community policing is not only working but is also useful in sharing of information leading to the prevention of crime in the society (Davis, Whyde, & Langton, 2018). The community’s willingness to contact the police demonstrates high levels of trust, confidence, and faith in the ability of the police to protect the people from crime (Davis, Whyde, & Langton, 2018). The community is willing to share valuable information that can lead to the prevention of crime.

In conclusion, the increased contact between the police and the public based on PPC Survey represent a massive step towards community policing. The majority of the people now believe that the police are the people and the people are the police. The community understands that the collaboration between the police and the public is as vital to the promotion of security in the communities.




Davis, E., Whyde, A., & Langton, L. (2018). Contacts between police and the public, 2015. Bureau of Justice Statistics. US Department of Justice.