Communication is a process of transmitting, receiving and processing information. It is a significant part of entrepreneurship development. Proper communication in the organization can lead to the achievement of objectives hence leading to company growth.
Marketing tactics are particular in marketing management (Ogden & Ogden, 2014, Chapter 2). Therefore, a strategy has to be developed for marketing tactics to fit in the marketing management flow chart. Marketing tactics need to differentiate different between the different components of the marketing program and the procedures to be followed while offering services to the customers. With marketing tactics, every department in marketing management is capable of working together hence creating synergy.
For a company or an organization to grow and expand, it’s necessary to develop integration and consistency with the current and potential customers. For the growth and expansion to occur within an organization, the company must be capable of acquiring increased sales to the customers in the target market (Ogden & Ogden, 2014, 1). For example, a small business that sells essential items doesn’t need big names. For the shop to grow, they should consider branding their items. Introducing a brand name will attract more consumers while still meeting the expectations of the original customers and achieving customer satisfaction. Bringing in the brand requires frequently developing the strategy, objective, and tactics.
The company should, therefore, hold an extensive company meeting that will focus on the branding campaigns that aim to address the grievances of the public. Brand execution permits the integration of the current and potential consumers through managing consistent service delivery and increasing on the offerings (Ogden & Ogden, 2014, Chapter 1). Marketing management is vital in an organization as it integrates marketing communications. Through integrated marketing communication the organization can interact directly with their customers convincing them to buy from the organization.
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