Communication Discussion

Communication Discussion

Herbert Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian philosopher born in 1911 in Alberta and passed on in 1980. The philosopher is rendered as one of the best individuals to facilitate in the development of the media theory. McLuhan at his tender age lived in Manitoba where he later joined Kelvin Technical School and then registered in 1928 for tertiary education in the University of Manitoba. While in the university, he developed a different relationship with the religion which resulted to him turning to literature with the aim of developing a truth and beauty to gratify the soul’s hunger for the two, a stage he referred to as agnosticism. One year after being an engineering student, McLuhan changed the majors that saw him earn a BA in 1933 and emerged as the best student after winning the institution’s Gold medal for the arts and sciences category.

In 1962, the philosopher published “The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man,” printed by the Toronto Campus Press. The publication spearheaded the study of culture both in oral and print form, cultural studies and the media ecosystem (Skweres, 2019). Throughout the book, the philosopher shapes on the means that communication technology, printing press, and the electronic media affects the mental organization which implies weighty implications for the social arrangement. Later in the 1960s, McLuhan, composed that the visual, distinctive print culture was to end by the electronic interdependence which implies, the automated media replacing the photographic culture with the oral culture. In this, humanity will be forced to shift from individuality to a communal identity with the ethnic base, a social organization he referred to as the global village.

However, McLuhan’s renown work, “Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man,” printed in 1964 is a pioneering study in the media theory. Being disheartened by the way individual loomed and applied the social media such as the Television, the philosopher reasoned that the contemporary world consists of individuals who live inherently and mythically but ideally lives to think in what he termed as old disjointed space and the time arrangements of the pre-electric period. Finally, the “Medium is the message” published in 1967 became his best seller, and his legacy makes him a primary twentieth Century English teacher.

McLuhan Printed “Medium is the Massage,” in 1967 by McLuhan and it emerged to be the print work since it was able to sell to almost a million copies across the globe. Initially, the work was developed by Quentin Fiore after which McLuhan embraced the phrase to mean the impact that each medium has on the human sensorium. While coining the meaning, the philosopher considered the inventory of the effect that several media in messaging the sensorium (Deshaye, 2019). Therefore, the phrase that medium is the massage implies that every medium develops a different message or impact on a person’s sensorium.

Fiore embraced a pattern in which an image that illustrated a media impact presented a textual synopsis on the facing page in which the reader developed a repeated shift of the analytic registers hence reinforcing McLuhan argument. For example, the adoption of new media results in a change in the way how an individual views the world. In the 19th century, people had fixed viewpoints, but this changed in the 20th century, after the introduction of suspended judgment spearheaded by the media. Secondly, a medium can play a significant role while in sad situations. Faced with such a case, I will attach to the technological devices to the essence of the utmost appealing recent past such as stories and news, consider the present and march into the future.


Deshaye, J. (2019). The Medium Is the Message Is the Metaphor: Cool Reason and the Young Intellectual Public of Marshall McLuhan. Canadian Journal of Communication, 44(1).

Skweres, A. (2019). McLuhan’s Galaxies: Science Fiction Film Aesthetics in Light of Marshall McLuhan’s Thought. Springer.