Communication Concepts


Every day we are engaged in some forms of communication either in formal or informal set ups. Nevertheless, most are the times when we fail to distinguish between the formal and informal communication set up thus leading to ineffective communication. It is, however, prudent noting that effective communication is an integral part of a successful business organization. In fact, effective communication is the basis upon which organizational togetherness is realized. The way information is passed from the top most organs to the bottom level is essential as it enables realization of the organizational objectives. Failure to address issues affecting effective communication in an organization can adversely affect the success of the organization. Every member of an institution must be aware of all communication channels for there to be effectiveness in the way information is handled (Brown, 2006). There are some concepts that are fundamental to ensuring effective communication. Without effective communication, an organization can barely stand. The paper will have an in-depth analysis of major communication concepts   that are essential for effective communication within organizations.

Active Listening

Active listening is a very important concept for effective communication in an organization. it is a process that requires active rather than passive participation. This is a form of listening that requires the listener to omit all the senses to the point of discussion. It is a concept that advances shared understanding and minimizes misinterpretation on matters of importance within the organization set up.  People engage each other with questions, feedback and such. It is a great way to indicate that information is being well digested by recipients (Brown, 2006). Failure to listen attentively and actively in a discussion will always lead to poor results within the organization. It is prudent noting that active listening leads to enhanced understanding, comprehension and compassion between people.

It is expected that an active listener will always be able to process information as it is brought on discussion table.  Active listeners are expected to make contribution through making pertinent comments and asking relevant questions. In addition, active listening gives an opportunity to the members of the organization to make ideas that can help advance the objective of the organization (Johnson et al., 1994). It encourages conversation and purposeful in listening thereby creating an opportunity that improves relationships, increased cooperation and problem solution. It is also worth noting that active listening can also be essential in building intimacy among the members of an organization.

Active listening involves using affirming body language, valuing silence, listening to what is being said and paraphrasing what has been said to get the underlying concepts. Silence forms an integral part in active listening as it indicates that the listener is attentive. Silence enables the speaker to make his statements without constant interruptions. Also, silence should ensure that the listener fights the urge to speak what is in their hearts until the speaker is done with his statements. Although active listening promotes contribution from the listeners, it is prudent that they make comments or compliments after listening the speaker. It is wise to note that the listener may miss on an important concept if he interrupts the speaker while making the address. Use of affirming body language is a critical aspect as it indicates to the speaker that the listener is attentive and is grasping whatever is being discussed (Brown, 2006). The speaker can understand where emphasis or correction is needed during the address. Self reflection is also imperative for active listeners as it helps them comprehend what has been discussed as well as making clarifications where some concepts went missing.

As aforementioned, active listening is essential to all forms of effective communication. Nevertheless, the concept is of great importance when it comes to organization communication. Active listening plays a significant role in boosting personal and working relationship among the members of an organization. It ensures that the employers and employees within an organization live in harmony and there is free flow of information within the organization (Weiss, 2012). Also it is worth noting that other stakeholders such as suppliers, customers and the society can all benefit from active listening. Conflict resolution is also possible in instances where active listening is eminent since there is an opportunity to iron out sources of conflicts in an organization. In essence, active listening has several benefits that lead to organizational success.

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts and problems are a part of life in any organization. It is wise to note that conflict and problems in an organization can ignite from the smallest word or action and can lead to destructive responses and behaviors. Organizations with poor conflict resolution mechanisms will ultimately suffer from unhealthy relationship amongst the stakeholders. Nevertheless, conflicts are not always destructive especially when an organization acknowledges existence of such conflicts and there are active mechanisms of correcting such conflicts. Handling conflicts in a healthy way leads to stronger and deeper relationships within the organization (Brown, 2006).  When problems arise, the way out is solving them. It is an excellent way to keep cohesion and togetherness in an organizational setup (Weiss, 2012). Therefore, it is important to set it procedures that should be followed to resolve a conflict whenever it arises. Effective communication will be instrumental in offering amicable conflict resolution measures in an organization.

One of the most notable concepts in conflict resolution is being able to navigate an argument effectively. It is imperative that members of the organization maintain focus on objective issue and always avoid personal attacks. It is wise for the members of an organization to give others chance to listening more and talking less. Seeking clarification on issues bringing conflict in an organization will be instrumental in offering resolutions to conflicts emerging in the organization. It will also be essential for the members of the organization to develop strong verbal and nonverbal communication which are also vital for conflict resolution (Johnson et al., 1994). Also, the members should also avoid mixing of issues and should address each item at a time. In essence, effective communication will be prudent in solving possible conflicts likely to emanate from the organization.

Organizational Culture

Every organization has its culture that defines how people share information, communicate, interact and the decision making. The norms and values of an organization, and the perceptions of the stakeholders, mostly the employees, have a great impact on information flow across the organization (Brown, 2006). Managers should consider this when setting up information channels. It is worth understanding that the organizational culture is a creation of the organization’s leadership and is instrumental for the overall success of the organization. Organizational culture has a significant contribution to the overall communication within the organization and should be cultivated for increased productivity and health working environment.

Effective communication is an integral part of a healthy organizational culture. It is imperative for an organization to ensure that there is a platform upon which the free flow of information is achieved. Such communication will ensure smooth running of internal processes and good relationship amongst all the stakeholders (Weiss, 2012). It will be prudent for the leadership of the organization to promote a culture that encourages free exchange of ideas. It is wise for the organization to ensure a culture that promotes understanding amongst all members of the organization. This will be critical to reducing instances of conflicts within the organization (Brown, 2006). Lack of communication or distorted and inaccurate information within an organization is always a source of conflict within the organization and should be avoided at all costs. Organization culture should ensure existence of effective communication channels within the organization. Such channels will ensure that all the information within the organization is shared on time. The leadership of the organization needs to identify the information to be shared and effective processes through which information sharing will be successful (Papa, 2008). An organizational culture that is proactive in communication reduces productivity gap of the organization substantially.

Formal and Informal Communication

Over the years, organizations have been using both the formal and informal communication to pass vital information across. Informal communication is a form of communication where information is passed without using the established conveying modes. On the other hand, formal communication is a communication that follows practices and norms established by the organization’s hierarchy to convey official messages. Whether information is passed across with a written memo, a communiqué, or even word of mouth, it should reach the audience in the intended way (Johnson et al., 1994). In meetings and organization forums, other informal communication modes like facial expressions and body posture should be observed for the message to be got right.

Some organizations have in the recent past ignored the informal communication and view it as a hindrance to effective communication. It is however essential understanding that such informal communications can be useful in enhancing the performance and productivity within the organization. Informal communication is encouraged in the modern business world since it enhances social ties among the members of the organization. This provides a good working environment upon which employees’ capabilities are fully unleashed. Also, it is imperative that the organization should combine both the formal and informal communication. Use of formal communication channels gets a more serious and authoritative than informal set up. It is wise for the organization to promote both vertical and horizontal formal communication within the organization (Papa, 2008). Such an approach will see to it that the necessary information is shared amongst the stakeholders.

It is however essential for the leadership of the organization to have control over the informal communication to prevent spread of misinformation.  Effective communication will require striking a balance between the formal and informal communication within the organization. Employees and other stakeholders in the organization should be given an opportunity to express their views, complaints and grievances through both formal and informal communication channels (Johnson et al., 1994). This will reduce complexity and bureaucracy and hence reducing chances of conflicts within the organization.



Leadership Strategies

The buck stops with the leadership at any organization. The strategies they lay down are a pointer to the communication effectiveness. Leadership and communication cannot be disentangled at any time (Brown, 2006).

Effective communication is one of the biggest factors in successful leadership. Lack of effective communication skills among the leaders will ultimately lead to poor performance and productivity within the organization. Without good communication skills, managers often fail to gain commitment from employees, achieve business goals and develop rapport with the people on their team. In fact, leaders are destined to fail, matter how good their intentions, if they fail in communication (Weiss, 2012). It is therefore essential for the leaders to combine their good intentions for the company with good communication to ensure that their ideas concerning the development of the organization get to the right people.

Leaders should improve their communication skills by practicing; listening, facilitating, questioning, directing and using discretion. Any leader who upholds the above traits will always offer quality leadership that is communication based on the betterment of the organization.  A leader who offers to listen to the subordinates will always be able to appreciate their views and address their concerns.  Listening will also help in dealing with emotions that can lead to conflicts among the members of the organization (Johnson et al., 1994). Also, a good leader should always be able to facilitate communication at all levels of the organization. For instance, a leader should be able to facilitate staff meetings and workshops aimed at improving the welfare of the organization. It is the obligation of the leaders to ensure that they garner input of everyone and help the subordinates to remain focused on the issue at hand.

It is also imperative for the leaders to learn questioning as another aspect of effective communication. By asking questions, a leader is able to determine essential matters affecting the organization. Different kinds of questions give varied answers on different aspects. A good leader should now what questions will have positive results on the performance of the organization (Johnson et al., 1994). Directing is another important communication strategy that good leaders should strive for. It is however imperative for leaders to note that directing should be the last resort since there are other ways to get things done. Leaders should adopt means that will make things done in spirit of cooperation and in a friendlier environment. It is imperative for leaders to motivate employees in the organization to embrace the company and feel as a part of the success.


To sum it up, effective communication remains a core indicator of a successful organization. Increased productivity and togetherness among the members of the organization largely depends on the effectiveness of communication in the organization. It is imperative that organizations should embrace the critical aspects that influence effective communication in the organization.  Organizations that are successful such as Google Inc, Wal-Mart and PepsiCo just realized the importance of communication and made it a core aspect of their institutions. It is the backbone of the success of businesses.


Brown, R. (2006). Communication: Concepts and Processes. Psychology CRITIQUES, 37(12).

Johnson, J. D., Donohue, W. A., Atkin, C. K., & Johnson, S. (1994). Differences between formal and informal communication channels. Journal of business communication31(2), 111-122.

Papa, Michael J., et al. (2008). Organizational Communication Perspectives and Trends (4th Ed.). Thousands Aoak: Sage Publications

Weiss, J.W. (2012). Organizational Change. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.


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