College life is always an interesting and exciting experience. After completion of my high school education, I expected to experience a different life in college. However, I knew that most of the expectations required a lot of responsibility and self-discipline on my part. My first expectation was that I would not attend lectures for an entire day in school. I expected that my classes would be set at different times of the day and that my presence in school would be dictated by the number of classes I had for a specific day. This expectation was fully met in reality as I was allowed to spend my leisure time either doing research or having fun. In most days my classes end early, or start late, enough for me to attend to my other chores.
As an international student, I expected to be given a privet room for my residence. College life was full of rights and privileges and I expected the rights to start with my personal space. It was my expectation that I would be given a room to stay in and keep my belongings. Although the expectation was met, it was in part. Most of the rooms given to college students were shared between two students. Moreover, male and female students were given rooms in different residences. However, the experience was worthwhile since I was used to staying at home in my high school years.
In addition, I had the expectation that my high school grades would automatically reflect in my transcripts in college. I expected that having secured a place in college, my grades would be constant and that I was guaranteed of good grades. Moreover, I expected that I would perform well in class. Although I did perform well in class, it was not automatic. I was forced to work harder than I did in high school. I realized that college education required much more commitment and discipline.
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