Cohesion and well-being in America

The idea of a prosperous society is heavily reliant on the cohesion and well-being of inhabitants. Diversity in the U.S emanates from different cultures interacting peacefully in unison to showcase their resilience to the globe. Evidently, despite the landmarks achieved in American history the African American race still faces many challenges concerning inequalities. The hurdles faced by the African Americans are envisaged in social, economic, legal, and academic aspects.

The 14th Amendment of the American constitution emphasizes equal rights and protection by the laws. Proper ethical behavior dictates the equal social treatment of every individual in a nation. The Africa Americans in time immemorial have faced tons of discrimination. The race is labeled with use of vulgar language. The notion regarding African American form of communication is derived from social behavior, depicted in amenities such as churches (preaching) and studios (music). The free flow in the language is evident in sermons, and the music generally entails vulgar language. The outcome is the infringement on rights given the outlook leading to individuals being clustered wrongly in most instances. The society makes it difficult for upcoming (African American) artists to express themselves in alternative genres as they are generally labeled RnB or hip-hop artists. Additionally, the perception that African Americans lack ideal etiquette has persisted. The idea is concretized by social media and film depiction of the race. Social inequality can be addressed by sensitizing the citizens on treating people equally and as individuals and not a group.

The U.S has a vibrant economy driven by a dedicated, industrious labor force. The American dream is ideal for many persons who are pushed to the country to earn a living. The African American race historically labored as slaves in white settlement areas. After independence, menial occupations were left for Africa as slavery remained a vice in the society. Several hallmarks have frbeen achieved in a bid to rid America of the vice. Employment opportunities are available to all races. The picture on the ground however remains with questions rather unanswered. The unemployment gap of races illustrates the inequality faced by African Americans in employment connotation. Wirts opines that African Americans face in-depth scrutiny when seeking for jobs. Additionally, Blacks face negative employment actions in comparison to their white coworkers. The economic status of American citizens is dictated by race which contravenes with the ideals of the founding fathers as African Americans are negatively impacted. The solution to the economic inequality faced by Black Americans is strengthening institutions (such as Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) that ensure policies regarding anti-discrimination are adhered to in employment.

The United States of America is inhabited by law-abiding citizens who recognize the constitution as the supreme guide. The policies are placed in a manner that the ramifications of breaking laws results in dire punitive measures. Punishment is commensurate to offense committed. The laws dictate equal treatment of citizens as they cushion and protect all persons irrespective of their affiliations. Regardless of the laid down legal connotations, Black Americans fall short of similar treatment as whites. The stereotype of African Americans as troublesome and violent demeans the entire race. In a court of law, chances of African Americans being treated equal with their white compatriots is menial. The notion of judging a book by its cover comes into play. The penitentiary over the years is filled with African Americans across the states. Civil Rights movements are still engaged in fighting for African American freedoms and rights to equal treatment. The observation being much has been achieved yet there is still room for improvement. The remedy to legal inequality faced by the African American race would be enacting placed laws, and creating more policies that seek to cushion all races in light of freedoms and rights.

Education is a crucial pacesetter in the society today diving into the future. Good schooling empowers one with human capital. The educative system in America is attractive to the globe as it is marred with extensive research and ideal tools for learning. Immigrants are recorded in large numbers due to education as one of the factors. The gap in education regarding racial connotation exists between the African Americans and whites. In comparison to their white compatriots, African Americans receive lower wealth returns concerning education. The above might be due to the deteriorating school amenities that are largely occupied by Black Americans. The demeaning scenario forces the folks to undermine schools, as they are faced with a lot of challenges that make education progress difficult to attain. Crime and poverty in the ghettos are a major inhabitant to schooling. The challenges result in multitude recorded dropouts as compared to white compatriots. The remedy to the education gap between African Americans and whites includes rectification of school amenities. Schools should align to cohesion of races and the schools largely preoccupied by African Americans should be improved in structure and learning materials.

African Americans face inequality in social and legal aspects due to the negative perceptions concerning the race. The inequality in economic and education aspects is driven by lack of financial backing and deteriorating amenities affiliated with the race. I feel the inequality is experienced by African Americans of different classes. Negative perception of the race is predominant as they are viewed as minorities.


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