This is a group assessment. You will be allocated your groups by your local tutor.
This assignment requires you to design and deliver a 15-minute coaching session, demonstrating a practical hospitality skill of your choice. The assignment is in two parts, as explained below.
25 Hospitality Supervision & Training Skills Student Study Guide
Module Assessment
Part A (1000 words)
You are required to produce a detailed plan for delivering the session. It should follow the “4 P’s” model of prepare, present, practice and put to work. Write a report (max 1000 words) explaining your plan and providing justification from academic theory. You should present your finished plan as an appendix to this report.
The report MUST be uploaded onto Turnitin before the submission deadline.
This report is to be submitted to the Local Programme Administrator on the specified due date: (See Introduction Slides) The report should be written in formal English and be fully referenced. If you are in any doubt regarding the level of detail required for this piece of assessment then please ask the Local Tutor in class. Please also see section 6 of the Study Guide.
NB: You must include reference to academic theory, in order to justify your training plan.
Part B (15 minutes)
You are required to deliver the training session in class. All members of the group should participate in the delivery of the session.
You should provide any props or equipment that is required. You will select trainees from the other students who are in class on the day of your assessment.
You will be observed by your local tutor, and your session may also be videotaped for assessment by the Edinburgh Napier module leader. Please remember that you should not perform directly to camera, and should instead deliver your session as though the camera wasn’t there.
Sessions will take place during tutorial time and dates will be clarified by your local tutor. (See Introduction Slides) You will only be required to attend on the day that you are being assessed. Assessment times will be arranged by the local tutor.
Please also see section 6 of the Study Guide for further guidance.
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