Classroom Observation: What Should You See?

Classroom Observation: What Should You See?

The Change in Career


  • To equip the students with the necessary knowledge regarding decision making in career job transitions
  • To enhance the students with the Knowledge required During their actions and their reactions during the change in their future careers.


By the end of this lesson, the students Should acquire an increase in their resilient when dealing with career change as well as Identify all the necessary strategies required when coping with career transitions.

Florida State Standards

These standards are meant to make the students understand what is required from them from grade one to grade 12. The State Board of Education adopted these standards in March 2014. These standards include;

  • The access points
  • End of course assessments
  • Florida assessment standards


Teaching strategies

The higher institutions of learning are working hard to cope with various Global pressures regarding how they handle the multiple needs of the students as well as preparing those students into their future societal roles. Most institutions are drafting ways by which to make the learning more interactive between the teachers and their students. This way, education has been enhanced leading to greater outcomes in the students’ performance. Most institutions are adopting instructional teaching strategy. This strategy is used by the instructors when delivering their training. This strategy is considered a learning strategy when a student can effectively choose the strategy to use independently and use those strategies to achieve the set objectives. This strategy helps the students in acquiring and integrating learning independently. Some of these instructional teaching strategies used by education institutions include;

Through forms of recognition

Recognition is the art of rewarding students based on their ability to achieve a set objective. In developing the students, recognition plays a crucial role. The tutor should use personalized recognition to motivate other students.

Cooperative learning techniques

Cooperative learning is a systematic technique in which students are encouraged to form small groups aimed at reaching common goals. Collaborative learning is an excellent learning technique to enhance learning. However, it should not be overused in classroom learning. For short group activities lasting a few minutes, informal groups are encouraged. Forming base groups is preferred to informal use groups; that is, these groups are assembled to last long and help in building trust and cooperation among students.

For cooperative learning to thrive in a classroom, the teacher should possess classroom management and organization skills. Collaborative learning requires the formation of groups in the class. Therefore, the teacher should put in their mind how such groups are structured and arranged to cater for unpredicted events such as emergency exits. The classroom arrangement should create a conducive physical environment for every learner. In those groups, the role of the teacher is to ensure that the students interact respectfully to each other as well as talking in tones that don’t destruct other groups.

Cues, questions, and advance organizers

It is an instructional strategy that focuses on what is essential to the students in a lesson. This strategies ” help in enhancing the students’ ability to retrieve, use and organize what they already know about a topic.” Cues are hints of what the students know about a subject and some new information on the same subject is added. The teacher may use explicit cues before the start of the lesson. Questions, on the other hand, are used by the tutor in helping the students recall what they had learned in the last lesson. Questions help the tutor in noting down areas that need to be revisited in depth. The questions strategy that the tutor might use is by the use of analytical questions. Advance organizers are used to helping the students in finding the relationship between what they know and what is about to be taught. The technique used here may be skimming.

For this strategy to be effective, the teacher should be useful in organizing and orientation for instructions. As a good teacher, before the start of the lessons, one should help their students in trying to recap previously learned topics related to the lesson at hand. This way, the students have an orientation as well as expectations of what will be learned in the lesson. Therefore, the teacher may use this strategy as a warm-up while preparing their students on what they will learn in the specified lesson.

Implementation of summarizing and note-taking

Summarizing is aimed at helping the students in synthesizing what they have learned in the class and transforming it into a new form without loss of meaning to the topic discussed. The teacher assists the students in removing junks from the text and recording of the essential points is carried out. For this strategy to work best, the teacher should come up with a summary frame, that is, they consist a series of questions relating to a topic with junks of texts, and the students are required to answer them consciously. On the other hand, note taking involves capturing the main ideas from a topic. This helps the students in having study guides used in revision for tests. For this purpose, the students should have uniform notes prepared by the teacher who in turn issues them to the students.

For this strategy to work, the teacher needs to be useful in implementing the instruction. Getting the students to summarize and take notes requires the existence of a good rapport between the students and the teacher. A good rapport determines how well the teacher and the students get along during the lesson.

Appropriate homework/practice for students

In deepening the students’ understanding of the lesson, the teacher should issue homework which should be followed closely. The tutor should give feedback as soon as possible. The assignments issued should have a purpose as well as outcomes. Practices, on the other hand, are necessary to hasten the students’ understanding of concepts. Some concepts are tricky for the students to understand and this requires a lot of practice.

For this strategy to be effective, the teacher should monitor the students’ progress and potential. This helps the tutor in understanding the students’ potential as weaknesses in the classroom. The teacher should act as a facilitator in helping the students troubleshoot their areas of difficulties on their own.

The detailed explanation of the lesson

It is the point whether the tutor dives in to give a piece of detailed information about the lesson. Lecture strategy is mostly used. This is combined with active learning strategies to reach the instructional goals set.

Instruction lesson closure

This is a point where the tutor wraps up the lesson and helps the students synthesize what they have learned in the lesson. Doing so helps the students in gaining an understanding of the topic in depth and its application to the real world. Here, the tutor should give a summary of the lesson and ask the cooperative groups formed to discuss the impact of the lesson in their lives quickly. This helps the students remember the lessons beyond the classroom.

Determinants of meeting the lesson’s objectives

In the last ten minutes to the end of the lesson, the tutor should ask the students to write down a summary of what they have learned. The tutor should also issue the students with quizzes meant to check for their comprehension of the topic. The tutor may also use the four corner response technique and ask a question without obvious answers where each corner represents one answer. The tutor should then ask the students to move into the respective corner where they feel the answer lies. These techniques are valuable to the tutor to check whether the lesson has been understood.

