CH7 outline prompts

  1. Examine the value of interest groups on politics.

Engaging in election activities-interest groups attempt to influence the elections in order to get people who support their issues elected or re-elected. This electioneering technique may include giving money to candidates, conducting get-out-the-vote drives on grass root levels, or even endorsing candidates.

Lobbying the government-interest groups to hire representatives to advocate on behalf of the group’s interests to the government. This may, for instance, include contacting members off congress and the executive branch to disseminate information about a proposed legislation.

Educating various publics-they to educate the public, government officials and their members on political issues and other concerned issues.

Mobilizing various publics-they to mobilize the public to act on behalf of their issues and hence influence policy making

2.Discuss who joins interest groups and their reasons why

Its hard to precisely determine who joins interest groups and who does not. However, students and people of low incomes or low social class groups are the majority who joins the interest groups. Those who identify themselves with working and high social class are less likely to join interest groups with exception of labor unions.

Reasons for joining interest groups

Group activities- some people are motivated to join interest group because the group activities appeal to them.

Group goals –some people join interest groups because the group goals align with their goals or achievement of the goals will be beneficial to them individually

Affiliation and statussome groups have certain social status hence people join to be provided with that status or social class.

Survival a security people also join groups because it would be difficult to survive or be secure outside the group

Power and control-some people join groups to exercise their power and control over others through the leadership opportunities offered in groups.

Companionship-groups provide an opportunity for members to be in the company of the other people

  1. Discuss how interest groups succeed in politics.

Resources-Interest groups succeed in politics through their resources. Financial resources are often critical in influencing the governmental policy. Money is also used in influencing the public.

Use of campaigns-apart from money, interest groups also conduct campaigns to gain support from the public on the particular issue.

Size of the group-large interest groups succeeds due to their membership as legislators are accountable to voters and are also able to influence many voters to support them.

  1. Discuss various types of interest groups.

Economic interest groups-this are the common types of interest groups and advocate for economic benefit for their members. Business interest groups-they promote corporate or employer’s interests e.g. umbrella organizations lie US Chambers of Commerce (USCC)

Labor interest groups-this groups advocate for the economic interest of their workers and that of trade unions


  1. Discuss the various strategies interest groups employ.

Persuasion and Information-This involve persuading government officials. lobbyists offer arguments, evidence and to support their group’s positions. The government officials have no time to contact research hence ends up using the interest groups findings a being influenced

Material incentives-interest groups provide some material incentives to the government officials as a strategy to influence them.

Economic leverage-rich interest groups run advertisements, contribute to campaigns, pay for research using their powerful economic tool (money).

Disruption-as a strategy, interest groups also stage protests in order to generate publicity, apply pressure on those they oppose and disrupt activities.

Litigation-this strategy involves they interest groups suing those they oppose.

  1. How does money play a role for interest groups?

Money is used to fund the campaigns of politicians who support the issues of the interest groups. Money is also used to influence the lawmakers to vote and pass certain laws and policies that favor the interest groups. Money is also used for conducting other strategies such as demonstrations aimed at success of an interest group. It is also used in the operations of the group