Case study Questions

Question One

Approximately 1.2 billion people in the world currently do not have access to electricity(Hemanus,Körner, and Weiner, 2015, p.51). This is a gap that is evident and mostly such risks are taken by private companies more than the public ones. The main reason as to why large companies such as GE (General Electric) or Philips are not tackling the problem of bringing light to the people is because they belong to the public sector. This ideally means that they may not consider this to be a market within their segment since their finances depend on the shareholder returns. One must be an affiliate of the company to access light hence bringing light to people who are not their shareholders may become a significant challenge to them.

Question Two

One quality that Sam Goldman have and that will help him solve this lighting problem is that he has the full experience of how being in the dark at night looks like. Sam spent most of his time around the world and in places where there were no lights and people used kerosene instead(Coughlan, and Neuwirth, 2017, p.6). Having the knowledge and experience helps him understand the problem better and gives him an upper hand in solving it. In terms of the team’s quality, Sam was able to bring together a group of talented engineers and talented experts to help in the provision of lights to those without. With their qualities being put into effect the dream of impacting the lives of people through lighting will finally become a reality.

Question Three

Sam in a continuous manner emphasizes the importance of the d.light’s business plan because it was the primary source of their investment capital. In the beginning, the whole idea of d.light was a theoretical process up until the business plan earned them money. According to Coughlan, and Neuwirth, (2017, p.10) the company won $250,000 in the prestigious Draper Fisher Jurvetson Venture Challenge competition for presenting their business plan to the investors. Meticulously creating their business helped the company a lot because it aligned their mission, vision, and values with every proceeding that developed as they sought investors and funds to kick start the project. Additionally, their business play was the key contributor to conveying their idea and vision to outside people who would in the future become supporters or partners in their project.

Question Four

In case I was one of the founders of the company the most appropriate strategy that I would use would be that of the use of ambassadors.  These ambassadors would be selected from those areas with no light and would help in the promotion of the company’s products. I would give them some samples for free to use them as a demonstration in their home areas and request some feedback from them on whether the residents accepted the product or not. Basing on the feedback from the ambassador I would then take the right course of action. If by chance the residents request the supply of the products the distribution process would begin immediately. On the other hand, if the residents request some adjustments to be made on them, those measures would also be considered for the benefit of the company and that of the end users.



Coughlan, A.T. and Neuwirth, B., 2017. d. Light design: Marketing channel strategies in India. Kellogg School of Management Cases, pp.1-17.

Hermanus, M., Körner, A., and Weiner, M., 2015. 6. Investing in d. Light. Collection of Course   Papers from Impact Investing: Redefining the Meaning of Return, p.51.

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