Career Reflection

Career Reflection

Value audit

In the last few years, I have learned a lot as a student, a teenager and just in general as a person. During this learning period, I have developed new skills and capabilities that will be of great importance in my career and personal life. For instance, respect for each other, honesty, integrity, creativity, and diligent are some of the core values that I have developed during my learning process. These values will be an integral part of my business management career both now and in future. A combination of these core values and my professional expertise will be essential for career development.

Capability Audit

During my undergraduate degree, I have learned a lot in the business field and more specifically in business management. It is at this point where I have developed essential professional skills such as professional ethics, integrity, interpersonal relationships, communication skills, self-esteem, critical thinking, and problem-solving. These are vital skills necessary to for proper co-existence with other workers as well as improved productivity in the organization. Apart from the above mentioned soft skills, my undergraduate education also enabled me to understand other important hard skills such as business administration, simple accounting, computer literacy and also learning other languages like German and French.

From my SWOT analysis, it is clear that I have some specific traits that serve as strengths for my career development. For instance, I have great academic qualifications in business management where I passed with distinction (Ardoin, n.d.).  Additionally, I can work with little or no supervision since I believe in my capabilities. I also learned that I can meet strict deadlines thus enhancing the probability of increased productivity and efficiency within the organization. Moreover, I have great communication, relational and leadership skills which will be vital for the overall efficiency of the organization. The leadership and communication skills will have a positive influence on the productivity of other workers.

I am also a great team player who is always ready to listen to the views of the other team members. In addition, my innovative and creative nature will be important aspects of career development. This will help increase business opportunity as well as helping in problem-solving. My strong networking capability is also another strong point that will be essential for career growth (Ardoin, n.d.).  This will be an advantage to the organization since I can be able to define other opportunities for business growth.

Nevertheless, I also understand that I have some weaknesses that would lead to dwindling of my performance in certain areas. For instance, having just graduated in business management, I have very little experience in the management sector. I will have to work hard and carry out extensive research in this field in order to cultivate the necessary experience (Lumley, 2013).  I have also realized that there is stiff competition from individuals with superior skills and knowledge. This will make it essential to further my studies even as I continue with my career.  I also realize that I have a problem with time management. It imperative to understand that time is an essential and expensive commodity that must be utilized effectively. I will, therefore, work hard to improve my time management skills. Working in the business management field will give me an opportunity to work with individuals with different culture and lifestyle. This means that I will have to work hard to improve my weak adaptability skills to enable my survival in a multicultural environment (Ardoin, n.d.).  I also think that I should work hard in improving my mentoring skills so as to be a source of inspiration for the young generation following the same career path. This is a vital initiative towards ensuring career development and growth.

Elevator pitch

I am a qualified professional in bachelors’ degree of business major in business management. The course have enabled me develop essential skills useful for the productivity and efficiency of this organization. I am convinced that I can make an immediate contribution to the organization especially in business management and administration. My creativity and innovative nature are essential for improved performance within the organization.

I have the capability of achieving set targets with limited deadlines without much supervision. My ability to work as a team and independently will contribute immensely to the realization of the organizational objectives. I have also developed other essential skills such as accountability, integrity, professional ethics and commitment to the organizational objectives which makes me the best bet in this career (Arulmani, n.d.).  I also have the capability to grow with a job, handle responsibility and build positive working relationship with colleagues. In addition to this, my desire to continue learning and developing my expertise in my future role is great. It is, therefore, important that I get an opportunity in business management such that I can continue to exercise and broaden my business management skills. The challenging nature of the career motivates me a lot since I like working in a challenging environment to exercise my creativity and problem-solving skills.



nd, University  of  California, Creating An Elevator  Pitch   Two  Minutes  or  Less,  University  of California, viewed  November 182014,

Ardoin, M. (n.d.). The strategic guide to shaping your student affairs career.

Arulmani, G. (n.d.). Handbook of career development: International perspectives.

Lumley, M. (2013). Developing employability for business. Oxford; New York: Oxford Un. Pr., 2013.


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