I have selected the topic of buying a car as the topic to discuss with my fellow group members, the article suggests that buying a car is more than purchasing the vehicle from the showroom. The article identifies other factors that need to be considered why buying a car which include the costs of maintenance. As a group, we need to synthesize the information from the article to weigh in on the ideas of the article. The group will conclude the ideas that one need to have while they are considering to purchase vehicles.
I want the group members to know about the things that the buyers need to consider before they go ahead and purchase the vehicle. The group members should suggest to the people wishing to buy cars on the things that they should focus on before they go ahead and buy the cars. The group members need to understand the reasoning behind people choosing to buy their vehicles as opposed to using public means of transport. For the group members to understand the thinking of the writer of the article I will submit the article itself. Sharing information with group members will allow me to get skills of sharing information.
I used the ideas from the article as well as my thoughts in synthesizing ideas that people need to think about whenever they are planning to purchase cars. The synthesis of the ideas of purchasing vehicles increased my knowledge of ideas to think about before buying cars. Also, I had the opportunity of getting different ideas on what people think about when they are purchasing vehicles. The group concluded that one should buy a car only when they are financially stable.
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