Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette

Dickel Dunn, C. (2013). Speaking politely, kindly, and beautifully: Ideologies of politeness in Japanese business etiquette training. Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 32(2), 225-245.

The author argues that today politeness theory is focusing increasingly on how a speaker conceptualizes polite behavior. As such the article relates concepts of politeness to language ideology. The article discusses how Japanese use the concept of politeness when conducting business. Precisely, the concept concerns new employees who are joining Japanese companies. The article analyzes how Japanese employees are trained to show deference through the usage of appropriate and honorific language. The writer says that etiquette training helps employees to speak in a manner that is kind, considerate and to move in a way that instructors would define as beautiful. This article is important in that it comprehensively analyzes how etiquette training helps in displaying deference, demeanor, and kindness which will help in forming a positive image of business. The article, however, has some limitations in that it mainly focuses on Japanese companies and this does not give a wide view on etiquette training outside Japan.

Parkinson, R. (2014). Chinese Etiquettes — Vital in the Business World. China Today, 63(10), 67.

Robert Parkinson argues that the whole world must learn about how Chinese tend to behave in the business environment. He emphasizes that there is the need for business experts to try to understand the details of etiquette. The writer gives several tips on how to make differences in a company through the use of etiquette. He illustrates how verbal communication can mean to the business. Here Parkinson’s advice on those businesses learning from Chinese companies is that they should always try to speak formally, slowly and formally. He, however, warns that verbal communication is not enough in demonstrating business etiquette. Instead, he argues that non-verbal communication is as important as verbal communication. Courtesy should remain core to the business. The article says that businesses should bone up on the fundamentals of non-verbal communication. The article is a major source of foresight on the business article in that it demonstrates how important and helpful verbal and non-verbal communication to businesses. Though this article is a great piece, it is to a greater extent limited to Chinese companies.

Martin, J. S., & Chaney, L. H. (2012). Global business etiquette: A guide to international communication and customs. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger.

Authors in this book provide some analytics that business people should understand. They advise businesspeople to learn and understand cross-cultural dynamics and avoid embarrassing gaffes. Lack of etiquette according to these authors is costly and succeeding where there is no etiquette is a tall order. In this book, writers cover several topics that relate to business etiquette. One of the topics covered is the conversation topics that the authors consider effective and appropriate for various situations. The book is so authentic in that it demonstrates on how businesspeople can make a positive and good impression. Key areas that the authors concentrate on are dressing, attitudes toward religion, education, social class and variations in culture in public. The book is important for any business as it provides ways on how to express etiquette in business. Specifically, it concentrates on conversation tips in business. The book, however, fails to provide a detailed account in other areas of etiquette and put more emphasis on verbal communication.

Okoro, E. (2012). Cross-cultural etiquette and communication in global business: Toward a strategic framework for managing corporate expansion. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(16), 130-138.

In this article, the author claims that success of many businesses is highly dependent on effective etiquette. In this regard, Okoro argues that the best thing business can do is to offer an interpersonal relationship with the managers of the business. More so, there is need to train them on global communication competence in additional to equipping them with negotiation skills that will maintain competitiveness across the globe. One understands that most businesses are failing due to lack of business etiquette. The author of the article further advises on how corporations can achieve adequate returns through cultural awareness, reciprocity, and sensitivity. The management should recognize the importance of preparing their employees through training on the way they should communicate and present themselves as a way of building a good relationship among themselves and with customers. However, the article fails to provide an in-depth analysis of other elements of etiquette other than communication.

Price, D. (2013, June 08). 10 Career-Tanking Phrases to Avoid Using in the Workplace. Retrieved from

The author of this article Price Darlene discusses communication in business providing recommendations on how to avoid or to modify some phrases. The writer of this article says that word like “try” may imply the likelihood of failure while the word like “think” should be replaced by some other words such as “ believe” which is more powerful and motivating. According to the author, negative comments should be avoided. When communicating, it is important that positive messages should be used. The article is a great piece to read in that it provides strategies to be used when communicating priorities. Furthermore, the article provides ways on how to respond to requests that are made by superiors. The article is an excellent guide to anyone researching in the area of business etiquette. Nevertheless, the article does not examine certain elements comprehensively such as the relationship between workers with themselves. It also makes general assumptions on the usage of some words and fails to understand that there are many different talking contexts in business.



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