Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Borderline personality disorder(BPD) results from both psychological and emotional effect of abandonment and mental instability. The study explains the impact of selected emotions and rejection sensitivity. The interpersonal difficulties affect the behavior of a person and influence their actions. The research aimed at finding the association between the BPD and untrustworthiness. Furthermore, the social-cognitive processes were determined with the aim of finding the significant role it plays in the development of the BPD. Besides, the traits and patterns of behavior varied significantly This attributed to different expression of personality traits. Negative personality traits have a significant impact on a person’s behavior. However, the type of control applied to resolve the problems determines the rate at which the affected person recovers. Therefore the study focused on providing ways the extent at which the causes of BPD influences a person’s personality.

The hypotheses were based that the BPD features relates with untrustworthiness and neutral cases. Furthermore, rejection and sensitivity were outlined as the core features that contributed to the BPD features.

The methods applied included participants from one of the colleges that with the required standards for the study. Sampling was used to collect information from the college students, and the results accessed. Besides the questionnaires were also applied in the SCID-II procedures. Similarly, it applied for the rejection sensitivity questionnaires that were used to measure the sensitivity disorder

The results demonstrated a positive correlation between higher BPD features and the trustworthiness of the faces. The higher RS scores were also noted to show the effect of untrustworthiness. Based o the sampling method that was used the results reflected on the population of students/

The article presents precise explanation the BPD features. It enlightens the readers by showing the appraisal of untrustworthiness and the extent at which other factors influence it. Similarly, people with high RS tend to have fulfilling features. However, the controversies about being rejected which were induced contributed to the negative attributions noted during the study. The study also explains different self-fulfilling practices that could impact the field of clinical psychology. However, I think some improvement could provide general results for the rest of the populations. The student’s samples used limits the study in one area. Also, the sample size is small, and this can be improved by increasing the number of participants.

The work provided a cognitive mechanism that would be used to detect the BPD. Therefore the study educates on the core practices that should be adopted to develop reliable therapy that addresses untrustworthiness ejection sensitivity and other personality disorders.  The problem under investigation is unique and impressive in the study of psychology. It explains the manifestation of the disease without the influence of different clinical interventions. Therefore this could provide a method of addressing such a problem through behavioral therapy.

The study should be used with other research work to develop more accurate and realistic values that reflect the problems and personality disorders that mostly affect people in the society. The evaluation of faces is one of the convenient methods of evaluating response and identifying cases of bias at the early stage of the experiment. It would also provide an opportunity to identify other emotional features and the rates at which it influences different groups of people. For example, gender can be considered and other factors that contribute to diverse and unbiased research.

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