Autonomy in Nursing

Nurses, as healthcare professionals are required to conduct nursing evaluations, establish suitable nursing diagnoses, and monitor the result of their interventions(Ferreira, 2016). For example, a man over the age of 80 may be admitted for gallbladder surgery. However, he is at risk of skin damage and the inability to urinate if the surgery goes wrong. The nurses must ensure the patient does not face any complications and document the efficiency of their action. These constitute the autonomous decisions that influence my ideal nursing practice.

Nursing is a self-governing and autonomous profession with numerous autonomous practice features(Jacobs, 2018). Therefore, it is essential for nurses to work in an environment that supports their expert judgment and clinical skill in the care of patients. I believe that nurses need to operate in a healthcare setting that forces them to reconcile accountability and cost-efficiency with their aspirationsto offer nursing care that is based on the needs and preferences of the patient. When nurses gain autonomy over their practice, they can improve patient experiences.

According to Emberson (2018) nursing is under pressure in numerous countries(Emberson, 2018). It is common to learn that nursing positions have been replaced and reduced by generic, non-nursing workers and a nurse-to-patient ratio is on the rise. However, professional autonomy means getting the right to formulate choices and immunity to act in providing professional knowledge. Nurses ought to have the bravery to take charge in circumstances where they can handle to profit from autonomous practice. To conclude, nursing is an independent occupation that set the practice standards and rules that all nurses must practice and constantly reviews and updates these standards. The education that nurses receive has prepared them to represent their choices.



Emberson, H. C. (2018, June 19). Why is autonomy important in nursing. Retrieved from

Ferreira, E. B. (2016). Systematization of nursing care in the perspective of professional autonomy. Geriatric Nursing, 86-92. Retrieved from Geriatric Nursing.

Jacobs, L. (2018). Supporting autonomy in long-term care: Lessons from nursing assistants. Geriatric Nursing.


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