
Hearing loss is a universal defection that can occur at any age of life. It is a process where an individual losses a total ability to grasp any sound from the environment. It is a status where an individual feels complete silence and therefore becomes unable to communicate with the rest like he or she used to talk. This has a lot of effect on both the individual and the people around him or her.

One of the immediate effects is the inability to communicate with other individuals. Even though people might not notice that he or she has lost the hearing ability,  it may become difficult to explain, and therefore an individual becomes at risk of being proposed to danger. A case where an individual cannot detect the sound warnings in the environment, like the sound of a car peeping, he or she is likely to get accidents and therefore makes the person lose the ability to move independently in crowdy places.

Moreover, the loss of hearing ability prevents individuals from enjoying sound entertainment. This implies that he cannot communicate with others successfully and enjoy the company of thee friends l and family like he or she used to enjoy,  he becomes in a world of solitude and, therefore he or she losses interest on interaction.

Apart from the effect on the individual, hearing loss affects family members and friends who can no longer pass information to the person concerned. His make them feel a sense of loneliness, and the process of adjustment may be extended. It may affect the extent to which the family members relate to the person, making them feel like there is a loss in life.

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