Assessing and monitoring related environmental dangers to health is the use of applicable methods and effective ways to address issues that are a concern to public health. These health risks can be such as; air pollution, noise pollution, food handling and so on. Through proper measures and approaches, environmental hazards can is dealt with effectively and hence reducing the risks associated and ensuring safety at work. Below are some of the approaches to manage risks related to public health;
Accounting for Emissions
Emission is a significant source of pollution as the exposure of pollutants to the atmosphere results in environmental degradation which is a hazard to human health. This approach aims at ensuring that what emissions per by the health laws formulated for the concerned risks and the level of concentration emission to the environment and its effects on public health. Second, there is a need to record the actual level of discharge and specifying the source or sources of the emission. By accounting for the emissions, it is easier to calculate and determine the potential environmental risks involved and thus enabling the installation of control measures and ways to manage the associated risk involved. This approach is crucial as it maintains what it exposes to the environment and by so helping associated health risks for instance; infectious diseases caused by biological hazards, cancers that are associates to emissions, mortality related issues.
Also, control emission, the laws can ban specific products or substances from being produced, licensing of emitting substances, establishing exposure limits to control its concentration to the environment and also formulating guidelines to enforce safety production for the workers handling those substances.
Bio-monitoring substances
This approach entails determining if a metabolic content will have effects to a particular biological sample. This process is mostly carried out in laboratories where biological specimens of different kinds are tested by introducing the agent or metabolic product to them and see how they react to it and at what level of exposure or concentration. Collection of the accurate data concerning the tested biological sample can take time and thus the surveillance data is part of the monitoring as is entails the periodic effect of the products to the specimen. There is also clinical surveillance which in most cases conducts in relevance to a particular population that is close to the exposure of the substance. Bio-monitoring helps to collect data that is important in determining the level of health effect. It may have to the public health for instance if the production of a particular product may affect the mortality rate of the exposed population, if its extent of exposure to the environment may bring congenital abnormalities for the babies born around, if there are cancer-related issues of the product and so on.
Also, bio-monitoring enables the ease in managing the associated risk through measures of health consultations and admission of hospitals. The precautionary approach is essential in this case as it takes into account the toxic levels of the exposure and it gives room to determine the control measures to lower the exposure threshold.
In conclusion, these environmental hazards and health issues associated with pollution and the emission of harmful substances. The dangers deal with the approach of assessments and management of risk in major federal environmental laws. For example, accounting for emissions; that control the release of harmful products in the environment and bio-monitoring; substances which is the frequent testing of biological specimens.