Assessing Patient Education Material MEMO




RE: Assessing Patient Education Material

Section a


The SAM scoring test for assessing patient education material was based on the course reading material: Helping your teen cope with chronic illness. Overall, the score was 33 out of the possible score of 44 providing a percentage mark of 68%. The main reason as to why the content provided the average rating was due to the preciseness and limitation in the provision of information (49). The following segment will provide a rationale as to why the score was averagely done.

  1. Content

The purpose of content is to enable the readers to understand the intention of the materials. Based on the elements, it was clear that the goal was explicitly intended stated with the title and cover illustration which contained a teenager who looks or seems to be in distress. The title ‘Helping your teen cope with chronic illness’ is concise and precise to the point.

The content topics on behaviors were not well represented as noted in the title. The information seemed economical in the provision of what is the article about. As such, the rating was at one which according to SAM scoring sheet, has at least 40% of content topics focusing on desirable behaviors (Scoring Assessment of Measurements 50).

In summarization, the score was superior indicating that summaries and examples were included.

  1. Literacy and Demand

The reading grade level was at 9 or above since the writing style was conversational with an active voice. This is evident with the sentence construction which consistently provides for information within the context. As for the vocabulary use of common words is visible but the use of some jargon words are clear. Additionally, the learning is enhanced through the advanced organizers using road signs.

  1. Graphics

The cover graphic is friendly (2) and attracts attention to the main topic. This is coupled with the illustrations which are adult-appropriate and straightforward with examples familiar to the readers. Thus, the relevance of the pictures is insufficient to the main topic, and the use of graphics and captions are limited (0).

  1. Layout and Topography

The topography and design regarded the readers ease into accessing the information including the text type and size as well as typographic cues. Besides, the plan is substantially influential on the suitability of materials. This includes subheadings and chunking in which a few subtitles are memorable.

  1. Learning and Simulation and Motivation

There is no interactive learning on the material (0); thus, the instructions are more behavioral and skill oriented. This means that the material information is linked directly to the main topic of the title. Moreover, the motivation within the material is clear and precise indicating that people can be eager to learn when they believe the tasks and behaviors are actionable. Thus, the ratings were at 0, 2 and 1.

  1. Cultural Appropriateness

This is a valid measure of the cultural appropriateness of material based on the flow of logic, language, and experience. The cultural match including the reasoning and communication as well as the experience was valid thus ratings at 2. The central concepts of the information appear to be culturally similar to the style of the target culture. Moreover, the cultural image and examples are acceptable with instructions based on the present artistic model used in the course. Thus, it is suitable to the population that it is intended for which considers the socioeconomic background.












Section b

To improve on the SAM scoring test, the following is recommended to articulate what is needed.

  1. Literacy Demand

Reading grade level is regarded as a critical factor in comprehension of the material produced. This entails the reading formulas that provide a reasonably accurate measure of what the article is all about. Thus, the recommendation is to ensure that any material presented can be comprehended by an individual in 5th grade or level and below. The audience in this level only understand aspects that are simple to pronounce and easy on the tongue. In this current material, the reading is not suitable ranking at 0 which indicates that the content is ideal for those in 9th grade or above(Scoring Assessment of Measurements 50). According to the SAM scale, nine years of education can impact significantly on how a person articulates long words (jargon words). As for the superior ranking those in the 5th grade. Using simple language may be suitable for all intended audiences.

In learning enhanced by advanced organizers, the ranking was at 0. The reason is that there were few or no advanced organizers used to guide the audience on what to expect(Falvo). For the future, it is paramount that the headers or the topic captions should be extensive and concise in ensuring that there are road signs. ‘road signs’ is a metaphorical word that indicates the text should be less intimidating and prepare the reader’s thought process to expect in the announced topic(Scoring Assessment of Measurements 53).

  1. Graphics and Illustrations

The graphics, according to SAM criteria is that the intended audience sometimes does not understand the purpose of graphics including tables, charts, and forms. In this case, there are limited graphs including tables and lists. And the provided graphics have no presentation of explanation. This means that there should be more graphics which provide more step-by-step directions with an example that will build self-efficacy(Scoring Assessment of Measurements 54). It is pertinent that, based on the recommendations, the audience may gain confidence in trying to understand the purpose of the title.

Additionally, captions provide a quick tell to the reader what the graphic elements entail and where to focus on within the graphic. Since the paper has no caption or graphic, it is difficult to capture the attention of the audience. The recommendation is that there should be a future caption that details what the audience should expect(Scoring Assessment of Measurements 55). This entails the perception of what is to be expected throughout the material. To score an excellent point worth 2 points, there is a need to place an explanatory caption with all or nearly all the illustration as well as graphics needed.

  1. Learning, Stimulation, and Motivation

The points entail interacting with the reader to reply to a question or a problem. In this case, there is no question, and all the details are provided in a reporting format. It is clear, according to SAM criteria, that giving a question stimulates the brain of the reader intentionally triggering a long-term memory. The ideology is to solve the problem and make choices as well as demonstrate. The information provided scored a 0 indicating that there was no interactive learning or stimulation (Falvo). In the future, there is need to ask common questions about the matter at hand to ensure that even when the reader stops reading the information, it is embedded in their long-term memory.




Section c

Assessment of patient’s understanding of the material to be read is paramount to ensure that the information is understood. Further, the need is to provide that the content is readable even to the youngest patient. Therefore, there are several ways to assess the patient’s understanding of the material. The following are ways in which to test this:

  1. Comprehension of Title

The first and essential test is to know whether the patient understands what is to be expected while reading the title. The reason is that a claim is regarded as the best gateway for a patient to understand what is expected in the paper or material (Bastable). To better see how effective the title is, different individuals of literacy and illiteracy spectrum. The need for this is to ensure that those who cannot read as eloquently can still understand what the appositeness to the paper is. The patients will be provided with a survey paper where they will have to mark the appropriateness of the title concerning what is affecting them.

  1. Graphical Interpretation

For future use of information, more graphical representations shall be provided. The reason is to ensure that the reader gets a clear idea of what is the purpose of the information provided. Graphical representations are the best indications. The patients will be asked a series of questions. This will include the aspects of whether the graphics intertwine with what the title indicates the information will entail (Bastable). Moreover, the audience would be asked whether the graphics are appropriate for the info. This includes whether it is adult-appropriate or child-appropriate. The latter is necessary especially when the content involves children. The audience should be to articulate what is needed for their convenience.


  1. Illustrations Investigations

The patients shall be investigated based on their ability to understand what the relevance of the illustrations within the material provides. This includes any presentation of lists and captions. The elements to be provided shall be elaborate through the pictures which contain the tables and indexes of information (Bastable). The patients shall be tested on whether the listings including the schedules provide more information about the content of the materials. Thus, the patients shall be grouped into different categories including men, women, and based on age. Lists and tables are regarded to be different from diverse ages. How they grasp the relevance of the content limited in the stands. Each group shall be tested within their abilities to interpret the significance of the illustrations.

  1. Language Used

The importance of how the word is articulate for the intended patients or audience is necessary. The patients shall be tested on the aspects of content using the word. It should be precise, simple to understand and easy on the tongue. This entails the type of language use. Questions such as whether the word and purpose of jargons are important are relevant (Bastable). The aspects of writing style are related to the patients, and if they understand what is described, then the patients have nothing to worry about. Nonetheless, the use of vocabularies shall be tested to ensure that the patients are aware of what the information is all about.


Work Cited

Bastable, Susan B. Essentials of patient education. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016.

Falvo, Donna. Effective patient education: A guide to increased adherence. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2010.

Suitability Assessment of Materials. Teaching Patients with Low Literacy Skills. 49-58.

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