Jewish and Early Christian Art
- It was the imperial capital in the West in the fifth century
- Christ is depicted like a Roman emperor
- It proved figurative art was used in Jewish religious contexts
- Syncretism
- A choir space between the apse and the transept
- The viewer was already familiar with the narratives depicted
- Christianity, like Judaism, prohibited religious sculpture
- The apse includes a Torah niche
- A central-plan church
- Crossing the Red Sea
Byzantine Art
- A desire for a more immediate and personalized religion
- Individual pages were bound together
- Each dome maintains its own separate vertical axis
- A reference to the current bishop or church official
- Had relics
- Return of Classical use of modeling and rendering of space
- Mary and St. John the Baptist
- Forward-projection perspective
- To create an otherworldly realm distinct from outside the church
- Russian icon painting
Early Medieval Art in Europe
- Timber roofs were vulnerable to fire
- The bold, colorful style
- Viking stave churches
- Deciphering patterns was a spiritual exercise
- A monumental entrance block, called a westwork
- The emphasis on prayer and work
- Paper
- No cross is depicted
- Both are books of Gospels
- A stone sarcophagus
Romanesque Art
- Aisled transepts leading to the ambulatory
- His ancestral connection to Jesus
- Flat bands of color and heavy outlines
- Concentrate the weight of the vault on the aisle bays
- Identifies herself as a sculptor
- Richly colored marble facing
- The monk known as Theophilus
- The ribbed groin vaults in the nave
- Stone was the most accessible material
- The contrast of light and heavy visual elements
Gothic Art of Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
- The Tree of Jesse
- The nave and aisles are the same height
- A funerary chapel
- Muslim and Byzantine structures in the Middle East
- The narrative scenes next to the primary figure
- It housed the King’s relics
- It could provide a strong skeletal support for a lightweight masonry skin
- His desire to improve acoustics in the church
- Narrative scenes were difficult to see from the nave
- Crenellations on tower tops
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