Applying for a Student Visa to Travel to Canada

Applying for a Student Visa to Travel to Canada

You have been admitted to the Nova Scotia community college in Canada,  for your further studies in diploma in Information Technlogy. You need to apply for a student visa to enable you travel to Canada for your studies. The embassy requires you to submit a study plan for your application of visa to convince them why they should consider you to offer you a student visa for your studies. Please submit two page study plan which answers the following questions and includes any other information relevant to the processing of your application.


  1. Why do you wish to study in Canada in the program for which you have been accepted?
  2. What is your overall educational goal?


  1. Why are you not pursuing a similar program in your country of residence?
  2. What research have you done into studies in your country of residence or citizenship?
  3. How will this program enhance your employment opportunities in your country of residence or citizenship?
  4. What ties do you have to your country of residence or citizenship?
  5. It has been more than 2 years since you have left full time education, please provide your Curriculum Vitae (resume)
  6. In the case of a minor applicant, what are your reasons for studying in Canada? What is your parents’ or guardians’ immigration status in their current country of residence?


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