Alien Anthropology

Alien Anthropology

Friday, May 9, 2018. – My uncle’s countryside visit.

It was early morning, and we were all finished with our breakfast. It was a holiday, and I had visited my uncle and aunt in the countryside. I was getting ready to help in daily chores, and my uncle seemed to search for something he could not find. I realized it was an axe which he sharpened afterward and carried it to our farmyard. I was surprised if there were some trees he had to cut on the farm and I enquired from my aunt. I asked her where the uncle was going with the axe. My aunt was busy cleaning the breakfast table and was singing along as she walked to the kitchen. I followed her and asked again this time round louder. She informed me that he was going to the pig’s house and some pigs were born last evening. But I did not understand why he had to go there with a sharp axe. I asked my aunt why and I was informed that one of the pigs that were born last evening was a runt; so small and very weak and could not even stand. The weak pig could not add value to the farm. Therefore, he decided to get rid of it. The thought of my uncle getting rid of the new pig which was less than 24hrs old was surely not right.

Wednesday, June 12, 2018. – The dead pig.

I do not think it was right for him to kill the pig just because it was too small than the others. My aunt thinks uncle was correct and supported him by saying that the pig would probably die anyway. I walked out very fast and ran to get to the farmyard just before he got rid of the small pig. I wanted to request him not to kill it, and if he did so, it would be unfair. He told me to learn to control myself, and in life, nothing is fair, and he seemed to have set his mind. I wondered why he was so cold-hearted and could say that raising the weakling pig will cause him trouble and he did not need to raise it. My uncle wanted only the fit pigs to survive and the unfit ones ought to all die. I wondered why one had to take life rather than let something die by itself. He had made his mind, and for sure he killed the small pig by slashing away its head. He thought he was relieving the small pig life struggles and I think he was not fair. He informed that this was not the first time he was doing this and that was how he controlled the population of the animals on the farm. Why kill something you did not create? What about human life? Does it mean that if a baby is born small, it should be killed? Are humans different from animals?

Monday, August 19, 2018 – The freezing room and stray dogs

My room was freezing , and I felt just like it was lying on an open filed. It was getting unbearable for me that very night. My bedroom was on the ground floor at my uncle’s huge house which had a large room, and well manicured and arranged trees surrounded it. I should have added another blanket, but I never saw this coming, this night was a little different from previous nights. I thought it wise not to wake my aunt and ask for another blanket from the upstairs store since I knew she was deep asleep by then. I was lying there on my old wooden bed wondering how long it will take for me to see the morning sunshine and be off from this cold environment. I did not know what triggered me, but after looking below my bed, there was a small hole on the wooden wall which allowed the outer environment into my room. A close look at it appeared like it had been done by a dog sharpening its nails over time. I decided to cover it with a cloth and sort it out in the morning. In the morning, trying out the problem with my uncle the stray dogs ended up being the culprits on this case. My uncle decided to make a poisonous concoction, and after a few days, the dog was trapped and dead within the compound. Doesn’t a dog’s life matter?   Was the punitive punishment for minor mistakes the best solution?



Sunday, September 02, 2018 – The long journey to the farmyard.

It was time to harvest and just like any other person in the neighborhood a boom harvest was the order of the day. The season had yielded well this time, and everyone was busy up and down from the farm. For us, we were ready to go and harvest the maize for the second week in a row, and it seemed not even halfway done. With several gunny sacks, I was off to the farm, my uncle and aunt had left earlier, and I was to meet them on the farm and waking up late and taking my breakfast. All along as I walked, I doubted why ten empty gunny sucks would weigh slightly more than I expected, but it never crossed my mind that I should check inside to see what it contained. Reaching a small kiosk three miles from my uncle’s house and I had about one more mile to reach the farm, I decide to stop and have a snack.  Dropping my empty gunny sacks and getting myself comfortable on the bench, I saw movements in one of them, and I held my eyes glued to the bag. To my amusement, a flog jumped out, and I did let it go.  Didn’t it have it’s right too to life? Did it just seem to call home the wrong place not knowing the sacks were to be used one day? Why I picked the sacks lying on the store’s floor?

Wednesday, October 22, 2018. – The magic cup.

I took a drink from the fridge and drained its content into a small cup. The cup was made of thin metal, and I could feel the low temperatures as I held it on my palm. I knew very well that I had to wait for the drink to reach room temperature so that I could comfortably enjoy it. The metallic cup started changing color from black to maroon, and it was turning to match the temperature of its content. It was a great discovery for me, and I was so excited to see this. I could not understand why utensils could have such features within themselves. I drank it’s content slowly watching if there was any other discovery this time. The fruit juice was smooth and enjoyable and a little sour which made it feel like an alcoholic drink in my mouth. A few minutes after finishing the drink, the cup turned black again. So may questions were still unanswered to me.  How did the manufacturer’s do it? Could it have any adverse effects on our health in the long run? Why don’t all the cups become magic cups?


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