Adult learners are students who are more than 25 years of age. They are self-directed and motivated in their learning process. They do not need to be followed to actively participate in the learning process. There are various factors which should be put into consideration in adult education because they influence how students in this category acquire their knowledge. One of them is the main reason why the students decide to participate in learning activities. When a mature person chooses to study, they have various motives which push them to engage in learning activities. As a result, this affects the manner in which the adult person will acquire knowledge. Some adult learners do not necessarily depend on the content offered by the teachers to gain knowledge. Others may decide to study on their own or acquire knowledge through practical activities.
The content being taught in adult education influences adult learners. Adult learners are mature people, and they are decided on the type of knowledge they want to get. As a result, they only participate in learning activities which will equip them with the content they want. The environment in which adult education takes place is an essential factor which should be considered in adult learning. It determines whether the mature students will be in a position to concentrate on the learning activities. Some learning conditions may be distractive to adult education, and they should be avoided because the mature students cannot be controlled like little kids. Personal characteristics of adult students should also be put into consideration because they influence the ability of the students to acquire the knowledge needed. The kind of teaching given to adult students should be set in such a way that is compatible with their traits.
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