Mobility aids help ensure that people can move around with much ease. They include the scooters, wheelchairs, crutches, and walkers.
Hearing aids would ensure that people understand more clearly.
Computer software and hardware such program, cognitive recognition devices, screen readers, screen enlargement that will be effective in helping people with mobility and mobile devices.
Physical modification of the built environment including, grad bars, rumps, wide doors that would ensure ease of access to buildings.
Specially modified chairs, and table for drawing.
Part 2 Painting class
We were taking a lesson on arts, and there was some drawing that was involved. One of the physically challenged students made a drawing that was impressionable. There was some sense of artistry that one could see from the painting. The art class involved all the students of the third year art class, and I had a chance to participate in the class. There were about 15 students that were taking the art class and included three of them who had some physical impartments. The course was taking place in the art auditorium.
I was thinking of making a good painting of a mountain and some valleys. However, something that got my interest is how the physically challenged was going to do the art. I kept on thinking of the kind of painting they would do because their hands were not good. My gut reaction was that these people might be experiencing challenges in making the painting. However, looking back I have understood that just as regular people find ways to solve problems the same happens to the physically challenged. I realized that they still create unique and unusual paintings. However, I often feel that my reaction towards the incident was not warranted. I kept on thinking of these people as having severe challenges with handling normal life. However, through education knowledge, I have been able to understand that these people are not supposed to be viewed from such a perspective. The aspect that they have physical challenges should not give one the idea that they are a lesser of a being. They are just ordinary people, and from that perspective, society needs to treat them as equal.
The beauty of the painting baffled the students and the teachers. Everyone seemed surprised that a person could do such work of art with a disability. I could notice how the other teachers kept on looking at the painting and how they seemed to find it enlightening. The sense of detailing and depth that the anrt was displaying appeared to catch the eye of the students. The parents and the community were amused with the talent in the boy, and all decided to move together to support him in developing this talent. There was an idea to try and mobilize some funding that could seek to purchase specified painting material for the people with disability. The lasting effect of the incident is that I got to realize that there are some unique talents that people have. It does not matter whether one is physically challenges or not. Society needs to identify and appreciate skills in people.
I did my painting well and tried to illustrate depth in presenting an issue. I am used to painting abstract concepts, and I did quite well in that. The teachers seemed to like my presentation since it appeared to have some thoughtfulness and uniqueness. There was no hindrance in what was going on, and this helps us to concentrate. Due to the setting of the class, there is nothing that went wrong. The potential gap is on how to use some of the adaptive technologies to help people with physical challenges. I learned that instead of pitying these people the focus should be on making them be fully part of the society. Therefore, I need to look for ways to put this in practice. However, the limitations might arise from the view that other people have. There is still the idea that people look at the physically challenged as half member of society. Therefore, this can be a limiting factor.
There is a need for the education system to focus on using adaptive technology to help people with a disability achieve their talents. One thing that seems clear is that these people have unique abilities that when harnessed can result in better living and appreciation of these people. I also learned that I did not have many skills in using these adaptive technologies. I thus need to learn how these technologies work (Wong, Dana, et al. 2390). I think things could have been done differently if the school had acquired and provided more of the adaptive technologies such as a computer or electrical assistive devices, mobility kits such as crutches prosthetics devices wheelchairs. The primary focus is to learn the skills of using adaptive technology.
Works Cited
Wong, Dana, et al. “Smartphones as assistive technology following traumatic brain injury: a preliminary study of what helps and what hinders.” Disability and rehabilitation 39.23 (2017): 2387-2394.