Acculturation in Business Article

Acculturation in Business Article

Ethics describes the code of conduct or the correct way to behave in a professional setting. Ethics acts like an equalizer where people across cultures must embrace particular desirable traits. For instance, using an official lingual like English ensures that people within an organization communicate in a common language hence avoiding vernacular languages that would be used to spread unproductive gossips among workers.

Greetings are polite gestures used to express goodwill. In an office, for instance, employees can shake hands as a form of greeting. This gesture, irrespective of how it is expressed, exhibits openness, cooperation, teamwork, and sometimes friendship. Regardless of cultural diversity, greetings bring workers together to achieve the set objective. Staffs who avoid greetings may have something they are hiding, and they portray individuals who are not willing to embrace diversity.

Leadership and management are two different terms but very related. While leadership refers to a skill of leading other people by example, management is an art of systematically organizing and coordinating activities or things effectively and efficiently. The significant differences between the two are as follows(S, 2019):

  1. Leadership is based on trust while management is based on control.
  2. In leadership, emphasis is placed on inspiring people while in management emphasis is placed on managing activities.
  3. In leadership, power is used to influence while in management power is applied to rule.
  4. In leadership, the focus is on encouraging change while in management focus is on bringing stability.
  5. The strategy used in leadership is proactive while in management the approach is reactive.
  6. Leadership deals with the formulation of principles and guidelines while management deals with the formulation of policies and procedures.
  7. Leadership requires good foresightedness; management has a short-range perspective.

One of the functions of a human resource manager is to recruit and retain talent in a team or an organization. However, most managers find it more challenging to maintain a talent than drafting one. This is because of some reasons. First, most of the talented employees are always pursued by other companies with attractive remunerations, which most of them find irresistible. Second, nowadays the internet is allowing people to work as freelancers in various online companies courtesy of the improved technology that offers good pay. Hence more and more people are willing to be self-employed and therefore opting to get out of jobs. Third, according to a survey by “Multiple Generations @ Work,” 91% percent of people of between 18-34 years old expect to stay in the same job for less than three years. This trend is responsible for having more talents quitting their jobs (Warner, 2018).