We are often challenged by our mentors, team leaders, friends and family to make better use of our talents. Concerning this, we often wonder how best we can make use of the unique talents we possess to improve ourselves and at the same time to serve others. In organizations, we often wonder how best we can use the exceptional skills that we own to make our teams more effective. Arguably, the best way we can get the best of us and help improve our teams is by making use of our talents. I have always wondered how best I can make use of the God-given talents in serving others. However, this is no longer the case after I discovered that I could easily make use of my excellent interpersonal skills to help my team members achieve their personal goals as well as that of the organization.
A couple of years ago, while involved in a team tasked to identify problems affecting the organization, I realized that not everyone is blessed with excellent communication skill. There is this team member who had all the brilliant ideas on how the organization could solve the problems we had identified but could not express it in a more clear and coherent manner. It was here that I learned I could help others bring their ideas into life by giving those ideas the ability to stand on their own. To help this team member express the thoughts he had, I remember urging him to provide the solutions in a simple way everyone could understand. After stating how the problem could be solved, I volunteered to explain the same in a better way to the rest of the team. At the end of my explanation, everyone was all smiles. They agreed that I should lead the team in presenting the solution to the board for consideration. After that, I have always taken a keen interest in interpretive speaking to help others within the organization put their ideas in a way it can be comprehended much easily by the audience. Concerning this, I believe that we all have unique talents that we should actively use for personal growth as well as that of the organization.