The Intergenerational Family Therapy

The Intergenerational Family Therapy

I will use the integrated family model due to the condition that Alicia has. While talking to her, it emerged that she did not have a good childhood life. She always had a troubled childhood that was even made difficult with the separation of her parents. She has grown up seeing her parents arguing endlessly, and these led to her and the siblings growing apart. At some moments she even had dreams of separating with the other children (Hargrave &Zasowski2016). The fights have affected her since she grew up becoming aggressive and thus at times it has become hard to even deal with her friends. The reason that I choose this approach is that it acknowledges generational influences on the family and individual behavior (Bachem et al., 2018).  Through this model, one can understand hoe the multigenerational behavior patterns affect their current personality. Therefore, using this model, it is possible to find the root of Alicia’s model.

However, in trying to implement the plan, I experienced several challenges. One of the biggest challenges was in trying to make Alicia free and ready to discuss with me the problems that she had when she was growing up. Due to the bitterness that she has experienced and developed over the years, it becomes quite hard for her to open up since it caused her distress. I think the biggest challenge was in being able to create an environment where she could feel comfortable enough to be able to talk and share her experience.

During the entire process, there are many things that I got to experience. One thing that came out is that at times working as a therapist one might get drawn into the issues that one is experiencing. While talking to Alicia, it was easy to feel the pain that she went through while growing up and the impact of the separation of the parents. While talking, I also realized that the experience she narrated made me feel that she could start crying while talking about these issues. In some cases, I also thought that the discussion could open up some of the wounds that she felt while growing up.

In trying to deal with the issue of being anxious, I decided to focus on being objective in the discussions. As much as I was keen on understanding the challenges that Alicia had experienced and found the solution, I had to avoid the cases of being emotionally drawn into her problems. Therefore, I think that the best approach that one use so that they can avoid being anxious during such secession is just being focused and objective even when asking questions.

Two elements are used to determining the effectiveness of a therapy. One of the approaches is the extent to which a modality achieves its desired family outcomes. The second element is the methodological soundness of the evaluation studies that seem to show such consequences that qualify the pattern (Goodyear et al., 2018). In looking at this modality, there is evidence that shows how effective the approach is. The studies show that the method is useful in identifying the areas that lead to an individual feeling depressed as a result of the experience of the family. Besides, the approach is practical since it helped Alicia to understand the cause of the problem and find ways that she could deal with the issues.




Goodyear, M., McDonald, M., von Doussa, H., Cuff, R., & Dunlop, B. (2018). Meeting the Intergenerational Needs of Families Where a Parent Has a Mental Illness. Journal of Parent and Family Mental Health3(2), 1.

Bachem, R., Levin, Y., Zhou, X., Zerach, G., & Solomon, Z. (2018). The Role of Parental Posttraumatic Stress, Marital Adjustment, and Dyadic Self‐Disclosure in Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma: A Family System Approach. Journal of marital and family therapy44(3), 543-555.

Hargrave, T. D., &Zasowski, N. E. (2016). Families and forgiveness: Healing wounds in the intergenerational family. Routledge.

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