EBSCOhost Assignment

EBSCOhost Assignment

Question 1

EBSCOhost is an online database that makes it possible to search for different scholarly materials. These scholarly materials are available for students, and people from different professions in need of certain information. People use desired keywords to find relevant information through this search engine. EbSchohost helps users to access journal articles containing the information that they are searching. Special education databases hosted by EBSCOhost include but not limited to PsycINFO, Academic Search Premier, Education Resources Information Center and ebook collection.

Question 2

The search modes contained in EBSCOhost include find all of my search terms, Boolean, find any of my search terms and Smart Text searching. It is possible to limit the search results by using the limiters and expanders provided on the search option. “AND” is used when one is searching for information containing more than one variable. “OR” is employed when a variable from a given list seems to provide sufficient information on the issue being researched. “NOT” on the other hand is used to specify that a certain word should not be included in the search.

Question 3

My paper’s potential topic is “individual use of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) for pre-school children between the ages of three and four years. I chose four keywords that included autism, developmental disability, picture exchange, and iPad.

Question 4   

The total articles from these keywords amounted to 23,496. This is too much, and cannot be managed. To narrow the search, I used only two keywords. These keywords are developmental disability and picture exchange communication system. The search now provided 52 articles. I then used the refine feature and narrowed the search to articles containing full text, and the ones that were developed recently. This availed 21 articles, which is a manageable number.

Question 5

The database contains both full text and abstract only articles. However, most of the articles that I encountered were full text. At some point I had t refine the search so that I could gain access to articles that were only full text. In case a given database contains abstract only articles, an individual should contact CSUSB library to request for a copy. If the copy is available, it is delivered via email within a week.

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